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Everything posted by Chris

  1. That's a point, I noticed it wasn't that easy when taking pics of my ED100.
  2. @nightfisher The ED120 looks very nicely proportioned on the EQ5, and it's probably the right scope to rekindle your astro mojo. I'm sure I speak for all in saying I hope it does as long as the mist and fog are kind and clear off
  3. Wow! very nice Gavster, I know Olly really rates his I don't know about anyone else? but if you get the chance I'd love a pic of the big bit of glass at the front
  4. Nice one Jules Looking forward to hearing more about it in due course, enjoy!
  5. Here you go Jules, just a mini review for now Now for Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. First clear night is tonight which is typical because I've only just got in from work. 2 out of 3 kids are still awake, so once they've past out and have been put in their cots I'll see what the state of play is, fingers crossed
  7. Garry, your new 6" APM scope looks spectacular! We want to hear lots about it when the clouds eventually clear
  8. Thanks Rob Me too, I think it looks magic with the deep metalic blue scope and black mount. I had one of these black basic dual drive HEQ5's years ago, they are really excellent rock solid no fuss mounts that just run simply and for a long time off 8 D-cells
  9. I know! I'm well chuffed! what do you reckon Moonlite wise...Orange or Blue?
  10. Ha! I guess it did look like that, nah I already have one.
  11. £331 for a brand new under warranty ED100 with diagonal, EP, finderscope, collimating EP, and adaptors = bargain. Whoever won did well in my eyes... but then again I would say that
  12. If I had a 110-120mm IPD like E.T. I'd buy another for a kick bottom binoscope
  13. Picked up this slightly rare find, David Hind Optical are auctioning off Celestron stock on Fleaby. These haven't been in production for years, but this one is certainly brand spanking new so must have been sitting in a box for years in a warehouse perhaps? I've never seen one for sale second hand, it's a Celestron OMNI ED102 XLT f/8.8 refractor. I've never named a scope before but for some reason I've been compelled to name it 'Midnight'. Also needed to pick up a mount for it, so this classic Black dual drive HEQ5 arrived today....can't wait to test both the scope and mount out but there was plenty of thick cloud in the box.
  14. Lovely new gleaning white scope there Matt, she's a beaut
  15. Blimey, that line up of kit will take some beating! Excellent picture
  16. Great picture Vicky I don't think I've seen so many optics and mounts in such a small space before!
  17. Congratulations Mark, be sure to let us know your thoughts after first light!
  18. Reading the description implies that they are aimed at eclipse watchers. I think they would be really great for that but as you know they don't crop up often. You could get a semi decent higher mag astronomical binocular for not much more, this could be multi purpose if you make up some decent solar film covers and attach them very well.
  19. I saw them advertised a couple of weeks ago, my initial thought was; would you be able to see much at 6x?
  20. Hi, am I right in thinking you've been after a 19mm Luminos eyepiece for some time? If so ones justcome up on ABS :)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garryblueboy
    3. garryblueboy


      Think it's mine that's the set now .  Once again thanks 

    4. Chris


      No problem, glad you got sorted :)

  21. Hi, subs are sub exposures, so if you take 10 x 30 second exposures you have 300 seconds total exposure, but the inidividual 30 second exposures are the subs if that makes sense?
  22. Good purchase, isn't it a joy in alt/az mode, I really like mine this way
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