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Everything posted by faulksy

  1. awsome place. only 5 hrs for you 😁
  2. hi again, what a brilliant trip and amazing weather. friday night was stonking, milkyway was blazing, and the sagitarius split was so so obvious. but no scope that night as it was to late, just watched naked eye saturday scope was cooling and colimated but as evening fell everything was soaked, must of been the heat of the day 26* R/H was at 96%. no high power views, the veil was lovely even with no filter, those skys are black. m31 showed lovely dust lanes. on to my old favourites dumbell and the ring. the dumbell showed lots of stars either in front of it or behind it. lovely, everything else was quite poor. sunday night, started out quite good, whilst it was just going dark( 9.15) you could already see the milkyway, saturn was up had a nosey cassini was so obvious and black at 480x with my 5mm pentax, amazing sight. jupiter was just behind a building so no look there. scanned the skys but the sky went poor, you could still see the milkyway in all its glory but it was like looking through a goldfish bowl. everything was wet like it ha just rained, even m81/m82 were rubbish. came mignight and tried again, aimed at mars to check transparency and it was all wobbily, you could see the obvious ice caps and some dark regions but that was it. dso wise very poor, even the poor old veil looked like it was dying. so hope to return winter time, these bortle 2 skys would of been amazing and hope they will be next time mike
  3. Absolutely amazing sky last night. Must of been equal to la palma. Scope is cooling now for tonight
  4. http://clearoutside.com/forecast/52.80/-4.71
  5. been 3 times with the dob mob. had some brilliant times up there. good 12 hr drive though
  6. been checking all weather forecasts and all are showing ace skys and cool, even clear outside 😁
  7. me and my wife have 1 sleep left untill we head for 4 nights in bortle 2 skys (abadaron). scope and camping gear loaded. yee haaa
  8. lf you dont know the alignment stars, down load sky safari to your phone/tablet. then you can i.d. the stars you need or want
  9. this topic should be a sticky 😀 a good reference for all
  10. anywhere away from trees. a few laybys around
  11. head for the top of lake vynwy paul, around 5 miles from bala. bortle 2 mag 22 there
  12. hi paul. yes they do. its as dark as a dark thing there. they are getting dark sky status as well
  13. if you want bortle 2 llyn peninsula is the place to go. loads of camp sites there this is were i go. going 2 weeks today https://www.tynewyddfarm-site.co.uk/
  14. hi everyone. just wanted to share my news. my wife has just booked us to go camping in this national park next year. its a dark skies reserve. we are driving down so we can take the 20" dob. 2 weeks under bortle 2 skies. cant wait. link below. its took ages to find somewhere like this https://www.pitchup.com/campsites/france/languedoc-roussillon/lozere/lanuejols/domaine-de-pradines/ mike
  15. absolutely love the veil, love seeing the maroon colour. try the cresent nebula next looks like a brain
  16. Its here 😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  17. Should of said. This thread is nothing to do with retailer bashing. Flo has always been excellent. I placed the order for the pentax without looking at stock levels. Grant emediatelly responded and said non in stock. So could cancel or hold on. He also said he would find a eta which he did. He even emailed me this morning to say my pentax is in stock now. So I said send it 😁 Should have it tomorrow Thanks flo By the way, stuck to my guns and recommendations and getting xw 5mm
  18. i hate waiting, would never make a doctor . i have no patience 😀 grant from here will get back to me tomorrow on the xw i will decide then thanks all
  19. hi john. i did have the 5mm xw but have heard lots about the delite. looked through the 4.7 ethos and like you was good but not ortho quality. quite tempted with the delite which is in stock. but like you say. slight lack in fov.
  20. i take it you didnt read my signature 😀
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