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Everything posted by MartinB

  1. Very nice MG, especially the Ha regions. I think galaxy colour is typically heavily tweaked in processing and colour you describe is probably "correct".
  2. Great result from 30mins exposure. Good that you had that big scope. I thought it looked a tad green so ran it through HLVG in PS. Hope you don't mind me uploading for comparison
  3. Spectacular image Richard, what great framing!
  4. That star cluster is a beauty Pete, and great use of the dark sky with the molecular cloud.
  5. This is a terrific image. I like the colour resulting from the filter camera combo.
  6. Looks great Tony. The luminence data is great and the stars are looking good without looking unnatural. You can spend a large chunk of your life playing around with NB colour combinations!
  7. A very nice M101. 12 hours well spent.
  8. In many ways this is a better rendition that those images (including mine) which show a more pronounced squid, since it shows very nicely how faint it is.
  9. The galaxies all look terrific Dave and welll worth the effort you have put in. You only see the star artefacts when you zoom in too much!
  10. Despite the "Quad" you have some very nice nebulosity there. It also looks like the filter is generating some star halos. Whilst these filters will certainly reduce light pollution they will also cut out a lot of genuine signal. Marketing these as LP filters seems a bit disingenuous, since they are really emission nebula filters for OSC cameras. I have an IDAS LPS-D3 filter which blocks common wavelengths associated with LED lighting which possibly helps although I'm not entirely convinced. It would be interesting to get some non filtered data ad compare.
  11. I have been using Platesolve 2 via SGP using a variety of ZWO CMOS cameras with a Canon 200mm lens. I did get things set up and working well but then, for no clear reason, Platesolve started to fail to solve. Things work better with Astronomy.Net (and ANSVR for blind solving) but still not completely reliable and very slow. Has anyone else had similar problems?
  12. Start date: 1st November 2021 End date: 31st January 2022 The format of this challenge is a little different in that it will comprise three sections with one outright winner for each. You are welcome to enter more than one section. 1) Widefield landscape images featuring Orion. 2) Images of the Orion asterism without including a landscape foreground. 3) Deep sky images of any of the objects within the Orion constellation boundary. Prize: A personalised mug for the 3 winners featuring your image kindly provided by our sponsors FLO and a virtual trophy for your signature. RULES All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. Multiple entries are allowed but please start a new topic for each entry. Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted. -- To enter please post within this topic, do not start a new topic. Please post as much information as possible - when it was taken, how it was captured and processed, etc. The info won't necessarily be used for judging but will help fellow SGLers looking to learn and improve their knowledge and technique.
  13. Sorry you aren't happy with the decision Neil and I understand the point you are making.
  14. Well SGL's planetary imagers have certainly come up with the goods with this challenges. Some very high resolution images including some with lunar detail. This was always going to be a tough one to judge and I am so sorry some outstanding entries weren't placed in the top 3. We found ourselves dancing around on the head of a pin making our selections. However, the scores are in and here are the results. 1) Astrovani - Transit of Europa, concealment of Io https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/379363-sgl-2021-challenge-6-jupiter/?do=findComment&comment=4125852 2) LucasM https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/379363-sgl-2021-challenge-6-jupiter/?do=findComment&comment=4125605 3) Pete Presland https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/379363-sgl-2021-challenge-6-jupiter/?do=findComment&comment=4117652
  15. The theme for the this challenge is The Terminator Start Date: 1st October 2021 End Date: 31st December 2021 Rules: The theme this time is 'The Terminator' - we want to see lots of glorious images, videos, sketches and animations from in and around the Moon's terminator. We are talking about the moon here, not Arnie! Prize: A personalised mug for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places featuring your image kindly provided by our sponsors FLO and a virtual trophy for your signature. -- RULES All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. Multiple entries are allowed but please start a new topic for each entry. Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted. -- To enter please post within this topic, do not start a new topic. Please post as much information as possible - when it was taken, how it was captured and processed, etc. The info won't necessarily be used for judging but will help fellow SGLers looking to learn and improve their knowledge and technique.
  16. The challenge has now closed. Some exceptional entries with some tricky choices for the judges. The results will be announced within the next couple of weeks (hopefully!)
  17. Sorry I should have said. I was using a Canon 6D with a Sigma 14mm lens wide open at F1.8. Obviously the lens has some coma in the corners wide open but at this focal length the stars are so tiny you really have to pixel peep to see it. Also 30 seconds is too long so there is some star trailing but I think you only really see it if you go looking for it. The stars have had a bit of a battering in processing as well!
  18. Just got back from a 2 week trip in our motorhome. We stopped off at Wells and I was fortunate to have a clear, moonless night. It was great to lie on the beach in the dead of night peering up at the sky whilst the camera clicked away. This was 40x30 secs stacked with sequator and processed mostly in PS. The highlight was meeting up with a group of lads from Fakenham who are going into their 3rd year at uni. They were blown away by the images coming through on the camera. I took a 30 second pic of them standing on the steps of one of the beach huts and will send it to them when processed.
  19. Fabulous! Have you put a light inside the hut? If you have it has worked a treat.
  20. Great image Dave. I've climbed here as well but HVS was my limit for leading.
  21. The results are in! https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/383125-sgl-perseid-challenge-2021/
  22. As expected it was cloudy for many but some of you managed to find some gaps in the cloud and there were some superb images despite the challenges. 1st Zummerzet_leveller https://stargazerslounge.com/uploads/monthly_2021_08/2021_08.10_Perseid_Low.jpg.0cd02dfe2fcdb63a83771d7fc3f62ade.jpg 2nd DaveW https://stargazerslounge.com/uploads/monthly_2021_08/940217248_Allimagesmaskedaligned.jpg.3c12c4afdc141e0fe242e44b0dc6edb2.jpg 3rd Adam1234 https://stargazerslounge.com/uploads/monthly_2021_08/MilkyWay_PNG.png.c16afb9f4fbe5d2c9c79fb1368a09022.png Well done to our winners and to everyone who entered
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