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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. I'm thinking cave nebula dual narrowband for tonight, tomorrow and maybe even Thursday Moon is out like a ww2 anti aircraft spot light. I've gone off my m31 4 panel idea (I'll rotate scope in rings 35 degrees and try another 2 panel when moon is gone, one day) So no mosaics, just want to see what hopefully 12+ hours on one single target is like. I would try heart nebula but it looks slightly to big for my fov. Is cave nebula a reasonable target for me or too tough? Heart should be v bright, not sure about cave nebula.
  2. looks pretty incredible from here as it stands
  3. never knew there was so much dust around it, fabulous image ty.
  4. I am deliberately jinxing it, because, when I don't jinx it, it doesn't make any difference ;( I have a few hours to decide what to use 16 hours of imaging on
  5. Nice post Ty. I gave up about midnight, my guiding was all over place on my sw gti and I'm blaming high cloud...
  6. Doh I didn't see the est so sorry 6 nights in a row, lol, how awful Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be clear which I don't think has ever happened before, where I am
  7. you can send ethernet signal down a power lead. an adpater on one end adaptor on other end and a ethernet into your router EOP ethernet over power. it might struggle via gang adapters etc, but might be fine. you tuber sky story has a video on chaining a series of wifi extenders from his 'cottage' to his obsie. one extender should be enough for you. i think they're probably your two best bets.
  8. to be fair you posted it at 1:15 am your image is leagues above mine, and i quite liked mine. Not so much my hi-viz style palette choice. if nothing else, your beautiful image gives me something to at least aim to achieve myself, even if that's unlikely.
  9. all great advice, ty. im not going short exposures at first, but if i get extra clear nights i will. going to do narrowband, then broadband then short exposures all with same target spot. at least then ill have options. as i've only just found out what curves in gimp can do, hdr stuff is still a bit beyond me started on a 4 panel of m31 just now as no rotator and m31 is big. ps - your image is equally incredibly nice, but also still different
  10. far from perfect, but im much happier now. can improve on this lots, as i've over cooked it
  11. ok, so it seems gimp's curve tool has a use after all. i might be getting somewhere now
  12. utterly stunning in every way possible. is this purely RGB? my plan is broadband first, i guess 8 hours then same with my Ha/Oii filter, possibly only to add Ha as luminence. After seeing this image of yours, maybe ill just stick to rgb.
  13. Me too but if you zoom in, it's speckled which means noise. Well I assume it does. I did only get about 4 hours instead of the 8 I was expecting I will try stretching it less but then maybe dust less obvious
  14. Struggling with this to make anything that looks "good" going to try some other stacking options
  15. 3:2 is stock dslr from 6 months ago. Square images are 533 colour and sv220 filter (If there is a) Next time, I'd frame it so trunk is more central, I've missed a lot of dust
  16. Let us know how you get on with it. Think it's going to be very impressive.
  17. just stretched and processed output from graxpert looks better. seems everything i do after this early stage makes things worse my framing wasn't great i think
  18. taken last night 9-1am until mist/fog/toxic fumes rolled in my best focus and guiding ever two quickish previews. blue version is over stretched and blotchy but potential is there. 15480 seconds
  19. Taken with my stock Canon 600d taken on 5th of 6th or the 6th of the 5th this year i think i could have stretched it a bit more, but i remember being a bit disappointed.
  20. same here really, but m31 just too big
  21. Hear me out I know this sounds odd. I've been staring at my guiding graphs during recent sessions and I *think* I can see my guiding go wild, briefly around the same time a sub completes and downloads to Nina. Task manager doesn't blip. If this is happening it's power related, but would be shocked lol, but could be my usb bandwidth is filled with image, so auto guiding commands don't get through? Is there a way to prioritise mount usb traffic over camera download speed? This all goes through a probably usb2 hub. Images download fast, like 1/4sec ish. ...Or... just not touch anything considering I'm getting best numbers ever wrt focus and guiding?
  22. 2.08 😲 at 0.77" guiding. I moved CW further up when setting up.
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