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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Like the space shuttle? Well I just disconnected and quit Nina. Going to do the darks etc in a bit. No clear skies I fear ALso offset max is 100. Dropped mine to 10 I think to get one pixel at around 60adu. But will recheck when it's darker cos maybe light leak OK I'm using offset 5 and get 1 pixel low 40s. Next clear skies I can be ready to take a light.
  2. I don't think so. I think svbony would be singing about it. I do have a heater option in Nina underneath cooling temp controls though
  3. Might as well do them now I guess. Why -10c btw? It see lots of graphs of read noise v temp which really almost negates cooling so I was thinking it must be to reduce thermal noise but hard to find graphs for that. I would go +1c to avoid frosting but thermal noise must be a big thing?
  4. The camera looks and feels very nice, but I don't have a big sample size to compare the anodised dark grey looks more serious than the nicer coloured versions
  5. It's not quite as bad as it looks....but hopefully the spaghetti will improve when I get a nuc or mele quieter pc where the usb hub currently is. Can confirm camera works with just the immensely thick and long nice feeling usb c/printer cable. I need a shorter one, uncooled though. It's warm out but even so using 65% max power to hold -5c. Not great, but ok, I think. Just need a hole in the cloud. Taking some darks and biases atm and about to follow Cuiv's offset video....
  6. Connect all my new camera stuff up fingers crossed it's all gone suspiciously smoothly. Sharing mount power supply. Assuming filter drawer is same length as the bigger spacer. Added a shim to account for filter. Cooling down to -5 c as I type this Back focus I hope is 55mm plus shim for filter. Probably clouds tonight though
  7. Yeah first test maybe not pano and m31. Too much choice. Assuming I even get it working
  8. Nothing more than a quick glance. And it wouldn't surprise me it it's far from perfect. I'll use it hopefully with new camera in two panel test on m31. See how it goes. M31 is about the only target I really want to mosaic. Plenty others fit square fov nice enough. ***** did a platesolve and it didn't flag anything up. hardly a thorough test though https://nova.astrometry.net/status/10091723
  9. microsoft ice seems nice. this is 3 panels combined linear data, just stacked using sirils with background extraction option. left is 20 mins center is 57 mins and right is 30 mins total, very approximate. can't see any obvious seams and its ok result for the total exposure time etc.
  10. Hopefully someone can scan through this highlight any silly mistakes or ideas. 1 get camera connected to laptop directly. Then into the usb hub in place of my dslr. 2 use filter drawer instead of 21mm tube, so just 16mm and maybe a 0.3mm shim if I have one depending on filter thickness. 3 screw it on flattener. 4 test if my 12v 5amp mount power supply can run the mount and via a splitter cable and ext lead to the camera. 5 take test mosaics of m31 and party
  11. I'm not complaining but, it's like buses, wait ages then 4 turn up at once. Two clear nights on the run lol inspite of apps and UK weather. New camera, power cable splitter things, failing at m31 then saving it then realising I hadn't but after trying Microsoft ice realised mosaics are easy . I reserve the right to completely change this opinion in a day or two. No NB filter yet. Might go for the svbony one stuart1971 reviewed, but want some time broadband but with some ir. Also I want to do He (three I think) because it's mad some people are doing it. Filter cost/availability/stupid idea aside:)
  12. Also (sorry) the stuff I got "free" is as follows: tsirt baseball cap, leather? Note book, 1-5x Barlow (I think) UV/it cut 1.25" filter (who knew they are tiny) filter drawer two trays, 3amp power supply. Let's hope the camera is as other manufacturers. It looks very very nice, solid minimalistic. Sadly not brightly coloured so won't fit my paint scheme.
  13. Yeah thanks for that. If something is too good to be true its probably for a reason Not able to plug camera into test for a couple of hours, though I did read there is -10% less dead pixels for each piece of manufacturer (ahem) branded item of clothing worn when testing for the first time. worked that way for my Ferraris
  14. I even really appreciate flos may include cloud stickers. It's not nessecery, but nice.
  15. T-shirt is just about big enough for me. Baseball cap is a little small but I'll just pull it down harder. The Barlow looking thing is a mistake, or maybe free gift,? No intentions of doing visual but maybe I could use it somehow to image planets? Goes up to 5x dunno if f28 is fast enough lol
  16. Svbony605cc various bits and extras. Wasn't expecting to also get a sv215 included. Variable zoom Barlow? Will Google.
  17. weirdly just had one of these arrive unexpectedly with my new camera. maybe i will try it one day for imaging planets?
  18. Also some cooled osc can run uncooled via usb only. It's a least an option to have if never used.
  19. Now I'm not so sure I've done what I thought I done. **** so i gave microsoft ICE a try and it stiches linear files in like 4 clicks. might not be perfect but if anyone wants to try a mosaic this might be the way. stitches linear tiffs just trying to process but no sign of a seam or stuff.
  20. TiffsAndAstro

    My beginner efforts

    Any feedback etc gratefully welcomed. Just bare in mind my gear was only 'fixed' (not changing) for the more recent images, so back focus, etc shouldn't change much for the foreseeable future.
  21. ok so this my 'final result'. for a expected dead loss via a test and pushing buttons at random, i think its decent. might have to try a proper test next time
  22. above image was the quickest of quickest tests. only got a chance just now to have a quick first pass on it. but i think you're right. might be a fluke. only problem i can see so far is the stack is same resolution as my sensor, so frames must have been scaled down to fit. even so i am quite chuffed right now. probably sadder once i have a go at it core is a pita gonna have to watch some videos. also will try dithering the image for some extra er size. not resolution exactly
  23. so on sunday night i took about an hour on m31. didn't want to rotate my camera + ota to frame it better as i just wanted to image something while messing with my guiding. was quite happy with the above quick stretch but didn't like cutting edges. so last night i had the great idea of doing a 2 panel mosiac in legendary sequencers in nina, with 50% overlaps with the intention of processing them all into one single result. didn't work. so i took each of the pp_lights from each night, put them into the sequencer and got the above histrogram result ill see how visible the seam is after i post process can't seem to remove the accidental repost below
  24. hope its ok to list what i did. the initial stack in histogram view looks promising. ill update as i go through anyone see any problems please let me know. i can see a seam in histrogram view
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