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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Not via post, had to search high and low in B&M for this premium electronics protection box. Cost almost £1.50. I can't work out if it's made from carbotanium, transparent aluminum (sic) or possibly even Neutronium. Note the expertly applied NASA approved space gaffa tape
  2. I like how co retrospectively corrects its predictions in the past thankfully, no one notices. Still my favourite weather app though.
  3. Like vroobel said, still useful info. I've done same mistake myself and was gutted when I found out my mount wasn't actually competing with observatories
  4. Not sure woolly hat is better than a black swimming cap I reached out to Adidas and Timberland for this unbiased review......
  5. Normal woolly hat £5, astrophotography certified woolly hat £50. I think we're onto a winner
  6. lol i forgot i accidentally imaged tulip nebula too, so buy one get two free yes, tulips are generally red
  7. Not used this gear but that looks like a LOT of extension. 55mm ish back focus (last glass element to sensor) seems most common.
  8. Looks very very nice. I'd be a tad concerned about dew on the battery, I'll try post a pic of my premium power shield dew repellent box later. Once I've smashed a couple more small holes in it
  9. I like my sw gti. It's like a baby full sized mount. It's a bit fiddly, it can't take much payload, but it lets a noob like me experience all the features of a grown up mount before deciding to rob a bank
  10. I tried to clean my 1.25" uvir cut filter once. Won't do that again
  11. Tempted to try M42 just for science reasons, light cloud supposed to clear later. 3 nights imaging on the run is a new Olympic record
  12. I'm lucky it seems to arc over house at rear and over to neighbours garden to west. Might get 8 hours on it in December not sure. Also....I have spent time trying to find eta carina
  13. well i admit i wouldn't go to sleep unless all five of my weather apps were in complete agreement on 6+ hours clear skies. also as a beginner, i guess im more prepared to risk imaging just to get more experience. also, as everyone on here is so nice, have a free bonus image : just a preview stretch etc of 1200sec previous night plus 6000sec last night. im really quite happy with this and can't wait to try broadband on it. also happy because this and cygnus wall seem be moving away from my usual 1970s palette of brown and orange
  14. i guess i take risks with weather. only been caught out twice and i had my premium B&M telescope cover handy. was very lucky though. also i can set up in 8 minutes and can tear down (no flats) the scope from the mount in like 20 sec. its been clear two nights on the run here which i don't think i've ever seen before. at least not since i started astroing. just today i invested in a premium power supply/gang extender from The Range lol currently custom modding it
  15. can't wait to see what you get with that beast.
  16. I'm just down road. Back garden is relatively secure. Only had house broken into for car keys once in last five years
  17. Can you not go sleep while your scope is busy? After setting a sequence for wall and then horsehead and pressing start I had no need to touch my set up. Of course, I did decide to touch it to make my focus worse, but then I'm an idiot.
  18. Yeah I think that's the only sensible thing to do with moon out. I did get 8000 seconds on b33 to add to my previous 1200 sec I'm even getting some yellow in flame nebula. I'm full time carer and it's generally quiet for me after 6 or 7pm. And yes I drink to much red bull. I might make a lot of images, they're just not very good. I was going to use these couple back to back clear nights for cave nebula but it didn't seem to like full moon.
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