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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. I do realise total integration time is vital. But with no astro dark right now and maybe only 1130 to 2am being darkish it will take three clear evenings for me to get 6 or 7 hours data. That might mean 3 months
  2. The only place I can fit a filter is, maybe, at the back end of the flattener. And it's tricky and inconvenient to put in and out. I've had to rotate my OTA in it's rings to orient my dslr to upside down so that the guidescope doesn't almost hit the screw to lock the OTA dovetail which make it tricky to tighten. I'm concerned it might slide off the Dec attachment thing. Currently I'm on here summoning up courage to try my semi bodge job of removing them attaching finder clamp to my spare dovetail, then that dovetail onto the top of the OTA rings. Also dubious about it then not working when it looks like sky might be clearing for first time in weeks. Maybe another day
  3. In the post today I got a bag of five M4 bolts. I won't post a pic
  4. also probably not from svbony, there advice seems dubious, but im hardly an expert so...they tell me to buy some rather random looking set of adapters from amazon that don't even seem to include an m68 for their camera rotator. 1. As for parcels to UK, we can provide the free customs clearance shipping method. So clients do not need to pay for extra vat or import taxes any more. 2. As for the items you may need, pls refer to the links below: SV705CC-SV226 filter drawer https://www.svbony.com/sv705c-color-planetary-camera-imx585/#F9198J-W9184A camera rotator https://www.svbony.com/sv210-caa-camera-angle-adjuster-for-sv550-80f6/ uv-ir cut filter 1.25" https://www.svbony.com/uc-ir-cut-filters/#F9127A 3. As for the SV705C camera, since it is designed as a planetary camera, so currently, the adapter for it is not enough as the dso cooled camera. I am afraid you may need some other adapters https://www.amazon.com/Starboosa-Telescope-T2-Extension-Cameras-eyepieces/dp/B08V923KS3/ref=pd_ci_mcx_pspc_dp_d_2_i_1?pd_rd_w=Rhgsb&content-id=amzn1.sym.568f3b6b-5aad-4bfd-98ee-d827f03151e4&pf_rd_p=568f3b6b-5aad-4bfd-98ee-d827f03151e4&pf_rd_r=SXG8S62K1YVEKPX58N2Q&pd_rd_wg=gYC2f&pd_rd_r=4dbb2126-2d9f-4c38-9a8a-b3a03b39baa6&pd_rd_i=B08V923KS3&th=1 i might email flo see what they say. thanks again all for looking at another dumb thread of mine and for all the help.
  5. 533 doesn't seem to have a non cooled version and the zwo533mc pro is almost £900. 585 non cooled is my only option i think
  6. yeah i was having similar thoughts. i have a few jours left of my 1/4 day off, today, so ill go watch some imagers using it on youtube. really haven't done any research on it because its not hip to be square put me off. but it does leave mosaics open as an option. i really want to take a nice image of m31 when it gets higher in the sky and its fits perfectly in my current fov but even with a 585 i'd need to do mosiacs anyhow to fit it in. i also got a few bolts and nuts so gonna try attaching my guide scope bracket to my dovetail and mounting it on ota rings first
  7. not really interested in planetary but i've seen some nice results so it would be nice as an option. but nebula and big galaxies is pretty much all im after for now
  8. i've had nothing but encouragement from you and everyone else on this wonderful website. its impossible for me to express how much i appreciate it and how its responsible for me going from to this in less than four months. and on a tight budget.
  9. the next cheapest option is a square 533 sensor and i think there are only cooled versions of it. probably twice what a non cooled 585 would cost me. right now im not keen on the square aspect ratio it reminds me of poor quality 1980s television too much. ill start looking at people's images with it see if i like it more. i could a more sciencey hubbly look to it i guess. looking again at the horsehead nebula above with fresh eyes this morning, the 585 does possibly appear a bit 'claustrophobic'.
  10. i can't use a filter drawer with my set up and i don't want to regularly put in and take out a filter into the back of the flattener. im likely to smudge it or worse if my dslr was modded i would still want a filter drawer. also i haven't even looked at how to process nb data yet or maybe combine broadband and nb. also, also, i was bored and rotated ota in its rings so its back to normal, but this means my dslr is now almost upside down. if i unthread the flattener enough to rotate the dslr back to 'normal' it gets very wobbly. so i also need a rotator....that i can't use with my current set up with my dslr even if you were the sole voice warning me, i've seen your images and help/advice on other threads and take your advice very very seriously. im trying to deal with multiple "minor issues" in one go for as little cash as possible right now and uncooled 585 and some accessories for £300 seemed a quick easy win. but i got a reply from svbony earlier and ill post about it soon as i get a chance
  11. not sure how scientific this comparison is. i thought my rayleigh limit was about 1.6
  12. no need at apologise at all. i have considered it but it costs at least £200. for not much more i can get a modern low noise sensor camera (sort of) designed for the job. and smaller and usb powered so one less power lead to manage. the smaller field of view is definitely going to be an issue, especially as its going to take time just to learn how to process mosaics, let alone be decent at it. an imx533 would be a wiser choice, but there's not a lot of other budget choices. i can concentrate on the smaller juicier nebulas i have been looking and comparing a lot on telescopius for lots of objects and i agree its a pretty major issue, but im on a tight budget and 585 is probably the least worse option. at least it will help with smaller galaxies... another issue could be my guiding. last session it was 0.8" so should be ok, but it if reverts back to 1.5 ish could be problems.
  13. i think everyone who reads this and doesn't live in the north of england should do the decent thing and buy themselves some new astro gear right away and choose next delivery.
  14. yeah i made an account and there's no obvious way to set a default currency. i'd hope it gets it from the address i put it, but who knows. svbony do list a uk hq with a uk address. im tempted to ask player one (as they do a similar camera but have a cooler name and colour scheme) the same question. probably work out even more expensive than svbony or zwo, but, it would help me achieve my ultimate goal in having as many different coloured anodised metal parts on my rig at one time as is humanly possible. so far i only really have white black green and red. and silver. oh and stainless non brushed steel. just need pink, light blue and gold for the full set.
  15. noice ty i mean, they list a uk address on their website for their uk hq, there must be a reason for that. id guess. still a bit odd that Nina from their CS replied to me at like 4am this morning. must be doing the CS night shift
  16. yeah it just confused the hell out of me. i reckon a lot of new people buy it, get it after two weeks, then buy adapters, find they don't work, repeat.
  17. world peace and a cure for cancer. but im learning to manage my expectations.
  18. the technical drawing of the svbony version i plonked in my post above. its more than possible i've misinterpreted it as i've never touched an astro cam in my life. it looks very similar to the one for the zwo camera on flo website. shockingly my first option would be to do to flo what i've done to svbony (see my post above) but with zwo/astro essentials equivalents, but after a quick look its a lot more expensive. better quality and support im certain, but not something i can do right now. having said that, i think after i read svbony's reply/shopping basket, there's a decent chance ill wait a bit longer and buy the zwo version and an uv/ir cut and the bits you suggest from flo. maybe i get lucky and there's a customer return. if i was harry hill there would be only one way to decide this....
  19. so ive decided to "reach out" to svbony's "We Love Experience" program as i have an entire 1 follower on astrobin and i'm pretty certain that legally makes me an influencer just on the slight chance svbony aren't convinced, i've asked them to stick everything i need to connect the camera, rotator, filter drawer and adapters onto the back of my flattener into a shopping basket for me. and if i have to add vat and brexit taxes to it (which will be a deal breaker i think). will be interesting to see their response.
  20. im sure i'd like it, which is why i don't want to try the free trial
  21. so below is a diagram hopefully help explain some of my questions if anyone is so kind: ideally i'd like to retain as much as possible from stage 1 if/when i eventually move to stage 2. questions, sorry : 1 the svbony camera diagram is below. i assume the camera nose peice can be removed to gain 6mm more backspace if needed? 2 stage 1 needs an M42 to Mxy adapter of 37.5mm length to make 12.50 +37.50 = 55mm. maybe need some thin shims too if any backspace issues. what is the Mxy thread or adaptor name id need? 3 stage 2 needs a M42 filter drawer to M42 camera rotator to M42 to Mxy adapter which need to total either 37.50mm, or 43.50mm if i remove the camera nose piece? 4 flo website says a 2 inch filter fits inside the flattener nose piece (though if you look at my pics of it above it looks like it will also fit between back of the flattener and the t2 adapter?) will it also fit inside stage 2 filter draw? not high priority as uv/ir cut filters seem fairly cheap? i won't be using the nose peice so i can continue to have everything from the back of the focus tube screwed together. 5 er that's it i think? though i've probably missed something obvious links to the equipment: svbony SV705C Planetary Camera https://www.svbony.com/sv705c-color-planetary-camera-imx585/#F9198J Astro Essentials M48 adapter for Sky-Watcher Newtonians and 72ED Refractor (M54) with 10mm Backfocus https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/astro-essentials-m48-adapter-for-sky-watcher-newtonians-and-72ed-refractor-m54-with-10mm-backfocus.html?_gl=1*1am6k7j*_up*MQ..*_ga*NDg0MTg5MjczLjE3MTgxMzAzMjA.*_ga_F6VGWQ0MW9*MTcxODEzMDMxOS4xLjEuMTcxODEzMDMyMy4wLjAuMA.. sw 72ed https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescopes-in-stock/sky-watcher-evostar-72ed-ds-pro-ota.html?_gl=1*1arqiqx*_up*MQ..*_ga*NDg0MTg5MjczLjE3MTgxMzAzMjA.*_ga_F6VGWQ0MW9*MTcxODEzMDMxOS4xLjEuMTcxODEzMDMzNC4wLjAuMA.. StellaMira 2" Field Flattener with T / M42 https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellamira-telescopes/stellamira-2-inch-field-flattener-with-m42-adapter.html?_gl=1*1arqiqx*_up*MQ..*_ga*NDg0MTg5MjczLjE3MTgxMzAzMjA.*_ga_F6VGWQ0MW9*MTcxODEzMDMxOS4xLjEuMTcxODEzMDMzNC4wLjAuMA.. thanks for anyhelp
  22. https://www.svbony.com/sv705c-color-planetary-camera-imx585/#F9198J-W9184A Is what I'm thinking but maybe not as good a deal as I though. Free filter drawer and an ir/uv cut filter for £7 more. Rotator looks nice, if it will fit for £20 too. The svbony cs lady who emailed replied to me at 4am is called Nina. I have a feeling she'll have a colleague name Ciril. Maybe he has two PhDs? Looking at it a bit more I think I might have to not try and get everything in one go, prices aren't quite as low as I hoped. If I can attach an ir/UV cut filter without a drawer for now, I'll just get camera and that filter leave it place inside the updated optical train somewhere and hope I can fit a rotator, filter drawer and dual narrowband filter at a later date that will all magically fit together first time.
  23. I want to get camera, filter drawer, UV/it cut filter and rotator and any adapters I need from one place. As svbony have a UK headquarters I'd hope vat is included and no Brexit taxes but I'll check with them. I'll post an amazing crayoned working drawing with dimensions/m adapter numbers and stuff here as soon as I get a chance and hope some kind soul can give me a sanity check on it as I'm bound to mess something up with this. Maybe still in time for a bit more 'zoom' on some galaxies
  24. im managing to do multiple session combining (just about) in siril thanks to help from here. not fully manual stacking though, about 50% so far. i even redid my m101 last night waiting for clouds to not clear. its not great for many reasons, but it is data from three sessions doing a mosiac is concern and i might need to be able to do that if i get a 4/3rds sensor.
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