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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. 5 minutes ago, LeeHore7 said:

    I've no polar scope fitted to it but polar aligned it as per instructions, think I may have to get a polar scope for my mount and also polar align again when the next clear night is, which looking at Co is some time away 

    I’m not familiar with the instructions you refer to, does it just say point the mount North? If that’s the case, your PA will be miles out and as others have said, the altitude scale is rubbish, on my EQ6 R Pro, when PA is good, this scale is way off what my published latitude is. I’d say your issue is purely polar alignment. You would benefit massively from fitting a polar scope if the mount allows it

    • Thanks 1
  2. I use a Telegismos 365 and left my mount and scope out all last winter in all weathers. I haven't noticed any ill effects. Just cover it and in the morning if dry, remove the cover to air out. I also use ACF50 to protect all metal parts. Give it a good layer of the stuff and it will protect for months. This means I can be set up to go in 15 minutes as there is no PA (just a quick check and tweak once in a while) and no star alignment as I just start from Park position.

    People do worry about their equipment and I understand that but I would rather be out observing rather than not bothering because it's too much grief/intermittant cloud/extensive setup time and too heavy to carry out, which stops a lot of people. Personaly I'd rather use the equipment than keep it shiny and new in the house

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  3. At 00.15hrs this morning (09/08/2020) I had a good look at Jupiter.

    Using the Morpheus 12.5mm (X80 Mag) I had a really nice view of a really bright Jupiter showing faint wisps of banding and the 4 Galilean moons.

    I then upped the anti and fitted the 4.5mm ep (X222 Mag). I was impressed to see that all 4 moons were still in the fov, although at the very edges. I had also fitted a Baader Contrast Booster filter and the bands of the planet did appear to be more defined. I also noted in the Northwest of the planet (as you are looking at it) approx 2/3rds up the face of the planet, a very faint but discernible bulge in one of the bands, big enough to be obvious.

    Now, I've never seen the GRS before, despite viewing Jupiter on numerous occasions, I guess, I've never had an eyepiece that offers enough contrast to do so (the Morpheus are new) so I have no knowledge to refer to.

    I've tried googling GRS transit times today but can't seem to find an answer for this morning. It may not have been the GRS at all.......but could it have been at that time and date???

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Icesheet said:

    Definitely not practical or fun! I had a look at the Telegizmos covers there. They look really good but I'm still not sure I could bring myself to leave everything outside like that for an extended period! Does it stop moisture condensing on your equipment? I think I would actually get one anyway if I went down the mini obs route. Looks like a good extra layer of protection.

    I wouldn’t say that it suffers too much from condensation, it is open at the bottom but yes it can happen. I work on the premise that this equipment is designed to be used outside as much as possible and not for sitting in the house which I know is what it would be doing if I had to drag it in and out all the time

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Icesheet said:

    It is something I considered last year actually. However, we had been talking about moving house and it put me off then but I suppose it's a consideration. I'm not too sure about leaving it out though. I'm living on the west coast of Norway which can be very wet and very cold. How reliable are these weatherproof covers?

    I have the same mount and I agree it is a heavy cumbersome beast, I genuinely believe that this is not a mount to be lugging in and out of the house for every session, it simply isn’t practical . As a result I left my mount and scope out all last winter under a Telegizmos 365 cover.

    I have not suffered any ill effects.....yet, I remove the cover as often as possible to air but the tripod means it’s open at the bottom anyway for ventilation. I also spray a good anti corrosion protective over the mount. 

    I can be observing in 15 minutes, no PA or star alignment as the mount hasn’t moved and I just start from park position 



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  6. 12 hours ago, pistachios said:


    He only recently bought the equipment before his sickness so i am actually not even sure if it was completed/got everything he wanted. I'll list some of the main items he bought.

    William Optics Fluorostar 132, ZWO ASI294MC PRO, Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro, ZWO 60mm guide scope, ZWO ASI290 Mini, some filters, lrgb, ir-uv cut, optolong l-enhance, zwo asiair

    I hope that is enough, thank you for the help


    Looks like your dad really knew what he was doing. Regarding the EQ6 R Pro mount, I’m sure your dad kept the manual but just in case he didn’t or you don’t have it, here’s a link to it. Give it a read and it will get you going in the right direction. Obviously you will still have questions, just ask


    And the manual for the Synscan hand controller 


  7. 6 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

    Come to think about it there is an App for smart phone or tablet called PS Align Pro which supposedly allows you to align a mount. You attach the phone to the mount and align the mount to Polaris looking at the screen. I tried it a while ago but the close proximity of the metal mount upsets the compass in the phone. The app providers suggest using a holder for the phone which places it far enough from the mount not to be a problem

    I use this function during daytime setup. I find it really useful. It doesn’t get it bang on but pretty close so all I need to do when I get out in the dark is tweek it through the polar scope because it’s already close

  8. 1 hour ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    My only small issue was I struggled to get a comfortable position on the  eye cup. I found my eye was to close to the lense and It took me a while to get used to the eye cup compared to my BST's @John suggested trying the extension piece that comes in the kit and it feels much better now when I place it to my eye. The distance from my eye is much better! I look forward to trying it out.

    Yep, I found exactly the same but the the extension ring increases the eye relief, like you it’s solved the problem 

    • Like 1
  9. If you have mobility problems another option to consider is leaving your mount and scope setup outside. This results in no lifting in and out of the house and quick set up times. You will only need to polar align once on the first occasion and occasionally check over the following months. Synscan can save all your data from your last session so you can just start with no star alignment necessary 

    The only condition is that your location is secure and you purchase a good cover, something like the Telegizmos 365. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Jiggy 67 said:

    The EQ5 will be great for your scope, the GoTo is good and it will track well for AP. However if you can afford it, you may want to consider the HEQ5 just to future proof yourself. If you decide to upgrade to a heavier scope and equipment  in the future the EQ5 will not cut it, you’ll be saving money in the long run 


  11. The EQ5 will be great for your scope, the GoTo is good and it will track well for AP. However if you can afford it, you may want to consider the HEQ5 just to future proof yourself. If you decide to upgrade to a heavier scope in the future the EQ5 will not cut it, you’ll be saving money in the long run 

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