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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. I only use the setting circles to set the perfect home position which is really important if you’re using GoTo, I have never used the settings circles for any other reason.
    You need to ensure that the polar scope is correctly calibrated in the mount. If it’s correctly calibrated, use an app like PS Align Pro and just replicate the image on your app in the polar scope. Once done you’re polar aligned.

    PS. I think PS Align Pro has instructions on how to calibrate the different reticles and polar scopes 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    Have you had much chance to use your Morpheus range Jiggy? If so how are you finding them? Any particular favourite. I have the 6.5,9 and 14mm still debating which to get next 🤔

    Hey Baz, I’ve been watching your posts on the Morpheus. I love them, the only one I haven’t used much yet is the 4.5, I have a Vixen 4mm which I think does a better job on planets etc but the jury is still out at the moment. I actually like the 6.5 on planets, looking at Jupiter with 4 moons in the fov was excellent. 
    I’m not able to compare them with other high end wide field ep’s as I haven’t used them and I haven’t got the knowledge but I’m really pleased with the Morpheus 

  3. I’ll take any opportunity with the weather we’ve had recently so when my weather apps said clear skies tonight I set up ready to go. The sky was clear until dark and then it clouded over!!! Leaving everything soaked through with dew!!.... so I packed up after waiting a couple of hours. No observing, I might as well have just thrown all my kit in the bath!! and packed it away again.....😂 I love this hobby!

    • Haha 1
  4. I don’t know anything about Synscannit as I use an iPhone and I don’t know what information you need but if it’s polar alignment the Polar Scope align Pro is excellent. If you need mount control then SkySafari is compatible with Skywatcher mounts 

  5. Have a go at at M92.....not very far away from M13 and a very beautiful glob........my obs log from earlier this year.......

    Easily seen at all magnifications. Dimmer and much smaller than M13 but Vixen 4mm (x 250 mag) showed good detail with numerous stars resolved at the edges.
    Stunning cluster, possibly nicer than M13!!!

    Also M2.......

    Beautiful Globular Cluster.
    Observed at 4.5mm (X222 mag),  6.5mm (X153 mag) and 6.5mm + barlow (X382 mag)
    Best view at 6.5mm but no stars resolved, though very attractive. Quite bright and large in FOV. With barlow added to 6.5mm became quite grainy but able to resolve some stars, especially with averted vision. 
    Appears to have a dense and compact core.
    Very nice globular


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  6. Cheshire’s don’t suit everyone, they certainly don’t suit me. Having tried Cheshire’s and lasers, I find the laser (as long as it is a good one) to be far easier, comfortable, quicker and accurate. The same with the cap, I will be upgrading to the new concentre for the secondary collimation. It’s a matter of personal choice, no two persons are the same, hence the number of products on the market 

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  7. I’ve used both to power and EQ6 R Pro. And two dew heaters, I still have one of the Skywatcher ones as a backup but this is my third as the previous two died. The LifePo is better by a country mile, I can easily do 2 x 4 hr sessions without recharge and the power output is constant throughout. It’s also a lot smaller and lighter with two usb sockets 

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  8. 19 minutes ago, John said:

    I'm wondering how the spacer increases the eye relief unless it is an optical device of some type

    Maybe it’s my understanding of eye relief which is lacking, I assumed that by increasing the distance between eye and outer most lens that would increase the eye relief but I bow to your better knowledge John 😀

  9. Welcome to the forum Madhura. The Pole Star, correct name Polaris is nowhere near the brightest but to astronomers is probably the most important of all the stars. It is the closest reasonably bright star to the axis that runs through the Earth via the North Pole around which the Earth rotates. Project this axis into space and you come to the Pole Star. Therefore as the Earth rotates, the sky appears to rotate around the Pole Star. It isn’t really, it just appears to do so, because it’s the Earth that is rotating, not the sky. The star is important to astronomers because we can align our mounts to the pole star and then follow an object in the sky with only one adjustment as the object rotates around the sky. Hope that makes sense and if I’ve got it wrong, I’m sure someone will be along soon to correct me 😀😀

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  10. Yes, I’ve had the exact same thing happen on maybe two occasions. I leave my scope and mount out semi permanently under a TG 365. On both occasions, it happened after very heavy and prolonged rain fall and although water did appear to get through the outer layer it didn’t breach the inner layer and everything was dry. If the weather forecast is really bad, I’ve taken to using an old Green Witch cover with the TG over it. I’ve still got full confidence in the TG though as I think the conditions I’ve described were exceptional 

    BTW TG do state that the inner layer is there for extra rain protection as well as solar protection so I suppose they are not particularly concerned about the outer layer letting some water through in extreme circumstances 

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