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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. 1 hour ago, jonathan said:

    One point I would add to this debate is setup time - with a full manual mount (with or without motorised tracking) you can be out and observing as quickly as it takes you to take the stuff outside and plug it all in, for visual you only need rough polar alignment so once you know roughly which direction the pole star or magnetic North is, just point the N leg of the EQ tripod towards it and that's your alignment done.  With a GOTO you still have to do this (if it's EQ, possibly with some AZ setups too) and then go through a manual or guided star alignment process which may or may not succeed, adding time and possibly frustration while you're out there freezing your codlings off.


    As a GoTo fan, I would agree. However there is a solution......leave the mount and even the scope outside and setup (as long as security allows) with a good cover over it. Mine was out all winter. One accurate polar alignment at the beginning and possibly two or three rechecks over the following months. Synscan allows you to start from saved position so only one accurate star alignment required at the beginning and a couple of rechecks in the following months. For an average session you can be on your DSO within 15 minutes, very little setup time and no carrying equipment in and out of the house. Make sure you invest in a Telegizmos cover though

  2. I’m completely illiterate when it comes to amps/voltage etc 😀 so apologies if this isn’t what you’re looking for but I use one of these


    It has one cigarette port which via a socket splitter powers an EQ6 R Pro and a dew heater controller supplying two dew heaters. There is no dip in performance and I’ve used it for up to 6 hours with a half charge remaining 

    It also comes with a strap to secure it to the tripod leg....it is very small and light

    Downside-Quite expensive!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, John said:

    Worth bearing in mind that when looking for the really faint and elusive stuff, ANY light near your eyes (red or otherwise) will impair your ability to detect it. When I was looking for the Horsehead Nebula I needed to be dark adapted to a higher level than I have done before. I isolated myself from every form of light that I could for about an hour before try for the Horsehead and also observed faint objects to "limber up" as my eye got adapted. I turned my finder reticules off and just used the optical finder as well.

    Extreme challenges need extreme methods !



    Totally agree John and wise advice but there’s nothing worse, when you have no choice but to refer to a phone, the home screen blinds you!  😀 Before you get to the red screened app you need 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, DirkSteele said:

     You can even set the phone to have permanent red screen now so you do not harm night vision when first switching on the phone. 

    How do you do this. Just tried looking on my iPhone 7 but couldn’t find that option....is it only on later models?

  5. 1 hour ago, JOC said:

    Welcome to the Morpheus fold - possibly your research has already turned up my thread on this range, but if not here is the link.  NB - the header photo is from a related posting further on in - the thread is really about the Morpheuses (Morphii??)  Lots of useful comments in there about them.  I hope you enjoy using them.

    .  They appear to be a really well respected line of eye pieces

    Thanks JOC 

  6. About 3 months ago I posted asking for opinions on the Baader Zoom against fixed focal length eyepieces and I was considering purchasing the Hyperion eyepieces. The overwhelming response was that the Morpheus range was much better in every respect, particularly in an F5 newtonian.

    As a result I purchased the Morpheus 17.5mm and I was really impressed with the immersive wide field view. Images were crisp and sharp to the edges and the contrast provided by the eyepiece really impressed. The build quality, I can only describe as outstanding.

    Lockdown then came upon us and, as a diabetic, I was told to work from home......with no exceptions!! I am grateful that I work in the public sector so my job was safe and I could carry out my current role at home, just as well as I could in the office. The upside was that I saved a fortune in petrol, lunches, coffee breaks.....and retirement collections!! I used this money to purchase the remaining five eyepieces in the Morpheus range, receiving the last one yesterday from FLO.

    I have had to get some more case foam and re-arrange two cases to accommodate them and i have not had the opportunity to try them all yet with these shorter lighter night but I can't wait for the nights to draw in and I can start using them. I would like to use them as 2 inch but I'm afraid all my filters are 1.25" so I may have to put my hand in my pocket again in the near future!!!!......Does it ever end?!?

    Thanks for the advice all those that contributed 3 months ago.......I've told my wife it was your fault!





    • Like 8
  7. 42 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

    Thank you very much. I looked on line for Skywatcher user guides but they appear to be as good on the web as they are in printed form out of the box. Thanks for the info.


    Yeh, Sky-Watcher are not known for their manuals, have you ever tried fitting the EQ5 upgrade to GoTo kit using their instructions only? An almost impossible task!!

  8. 50 minutes ago, John said:

    I don't use the locking screws unless I am transporting the scope in the car. Once I got the primary collimated I found that the locking screws were actually putting it out again so I leave them loose in general use. 



    Yeh, I said mine don’t move the mirror, what I should have said is that I have to tighten each one a little at a time to keep collimation. This is where a laser comes in really useful 

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

    According to the app bortle 6 not sure whether that's good or bad. 

    I’d take some of these Bortle ratings with a pinch of salt. Clear Outside says I’m a 6 but another but when I access Clear Outside via Xasteria it says I’m an 8 so I settle on 7 😀


    • Like 1
  10. Here’s a question then....The fact is there was never a “big bang” in the first place....there was nothing, no time, no “space” no matter, nothing. The Universe came into being in an infinitely small space (or everywhere at the same time, either way it must have been infinitely small)and matter, as we know it was created in the first millionths of a second and the Universe has been expanding ever since. My question would be....what is the Universe, as we know it, expanding into??...Does it create “space “ at the edges as it expands because there is nothing beyond the Universe, not even an empty space!

  11. 1 hour ago, markse68 said:

    I found that one- I don’t know why I expected it to but it didn’t blink at me- I was quite disappointedI! I wasn’t doing it right though- didn’t realise you had to use a special technique to get it blinking 🤦‍♂️ next time...

    Likewise, I’ll have to give it another go with the correct technique because it didn’t blink for me 

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