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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. 24 minutes ago, KeithP22 said:

    Has anyone used a 2X bst barlow with the baader zoom eyepiece. 

    I haven’t but barlows are pretty simple pieces of equipment so any would work just fine, obviously if you go premium you might get a better result but I don’t think there would be much in it. The eyepiece is the important thing and if you’re gonna go for a zoom (which IMO every ep case should have) then the Baader would be my recommendation. An expert on barlows may disagree and I use the Baader 2.25X but I don’t think it’s a mistake to go for the BST

    • Thanks 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Cjg said:

    Inside though, was what I had thought about in (I think) April 2018, and then forgotten about until an email dropped into my mailbox on Thursday evening.

    Do you mean “bought” in April 2018??.....If so, that is some delay in delivery!!! 😀 What was the problem?.....Lovely scope btw

    • Like 1
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. First bit of advice, forget photography, expel it from your mind....for now. I would just concentrate on getting to know your equipment, visually observing the solar system and other easy targets for now, visual observations are very satisfying and you will learn the sky over time. There are loads of experts on here (not me) so just ask

    • Like 2
  4. 33 minutes ago, John said:

    The new Tele Vue Bandmate II O-III filters seem to be developing a really good reputation as top performers as well.

    Reading the FLO description, this filter is made by Astronomik for Tele Vue....which is a fantastic endorsement of Astronomik by TV. I have Astronomik O-III and UHC and can totally recommend them. I’m no expert though.......but Tele Vue are

    • Like 2
  5. I love SkySafari. I have Stellarium too but think SS is better. I have the Pro on the laptop and Plus on my phone. They talk to each other across SkyLive so any work carried out on the laptop transfers over. It’s fantastic for recording and logging your observations and linking your obs to the database for added info and Hubble (and other) photos. 
    The ability to download observation lists and even share them is another good feature. 
    It took time to find my way around but wouldn’t use anything else now.

  6. 3 hours ago, John said:

    It's worth recalling that the original posters budget was £300-£400 for the scope AND mount.


    Absolutely correct, but as always happens with this topic, the conversation turns to the age old argument between GoTo fans and manual fans....and their entrenched positions 😀😀.....always amusing and never reaches a conclusion, it’s gotta be the oldest running argument on these forums...long may it continue!!

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, John said:

    This piece by Phil Harrington is quite useful as well:


    Another excellent article. I find a lot of mixed opinions on filters, some people prefer not to use them at all, but I think this article shows that with the right filter for the right job, and a bit of patient use, they can make a big difference. Unfortunately it also shows that if you want good results, you need to put your hand in your pocket!!......there are no cheap filters in the article

  8. 9 hours ago, John said:

    Hi Paul,

    This article below explains the difference between these types of filters.

    A UHC filter, if it is properly executed, should fit into the category of narrow band filters explained in the article.

    The Light Pollution Reduction Filter fits into the category of broad band / LPR filters as explained in the article.

    I hope that helps a bit :





    Probably the best article I’ve read on filters 

  9. You contact the site directly quoting the fact that you are for the star party for which the whole campsite is reserved usually. All pitches are EHU.

    Im hopefully hiring a camper/ motor home for the October camp and spoke to Lesley at the site. It’s the same price as a tent, all pitches accommodate vans and tents and she welcomes them......better than roughing it!!

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  10. A lot of people in favour of dobs and I can understand why but one question that hasn’t been asked is “how dark are your skies” none GoTo dobs will probably involve star hopping which is fine if you’re under reasonably dark skies. If, like me, you have heavily light polluted skies then star hopping can be difficult and that’s where GoTo is a God send

    • Like 8
  11. 3 hours ago, Gasconman said:

    How would I use this to get exact polar alignment?

    You can’t that I’m aware of, unless you’re using a camera and some form of software but I’m no expert in that. What mount have you got? On an EQ mount PA is about aligning the RA axis of the mount with the North Celestial Pole. For that, without electronic means, you need a polar scope for accurate pa. For visual observations you can get away with pointing the mount North but don’t expect accurate polar alignment.

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  12. 2 hours ago, LeeHore7 said:

    Hi Jiggy 

    Basically yes they say to align to true north and set your latitude to your location, I will fine tune this now I know it's a polar alignment issue, so as you say the latitude scale is completely wrong, I will get a polar scope for my mount and seen one on FLO for £32, thanks so much for all your help, clear skies 

    I wouldn’t say that the altitude scale is “completely wrong “ just not accurate, it will get you in the ball park. If you imagine that the North Celestial Pole is an infinitely small dot in the sky, close ( in our comprehension) to Polaris then just using your eyes to get the mount RA axis anywhere near it just ain’t gonna happen. A polar scope will get you much closer, but then, if you want to do Astro photography you would want to be even closer!! Welcome to the world of tracking objects!!.....

    • Thanks 1
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