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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. 31 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    Have spotted this new version of the Concenter thst should be easier to look through.





    That’s interesting, I take it that, as it’s only available in 2” I can just remove the 1.25” adapter, collimate and then replace the adapter??......quite expensive but a well collimated secondary is essential and I can’t be doing with a cap or a Cheshire 

  2. I’m with John....just set up my scope after traveling back from Galloway along bumpy roads etc. Using the HoTech, it took 2 minutes to collimate.....excellent laser collimator.

     I also have the concentric collimator for the secondary but I struggle with it, always appears blurry to me so cannot be sure of accurate collimation 

  3. You’ve made a wise decision, the EQ3 is not substantial enough for a 150 PDS and all the associated paraphernalia even without adding photo gear. I don’t do Astro photography but I believe the the SW 130 is an excellent choice. Even so, my next upgrade of any item would be the mount, it’s more important than the scope and it’s always a good idea to future proof because if you get hooked, you WILL want to increase the size/weight of the scope and accessories 

    • Like 1
  4. On 20/09/2020 at 18:05, Kyle Allen said:

    Don’t some planetary observers look at a bright light for a short time to ruin their dark adaption and also stimulate their cone cells, which see fine detail? I tried it on Jupiter once and it did seem to help with the glare but Mars might be different. Obviously not ideal if you also plan to observe faint DSOs in the same session but worth a try! 🙂

    Perversely, that does kinda make sense! 👍

    • Like 1
  5. Back home now after a very enjoyable few days. The campsite is outstanding as are the horizons and views. Two good nights observing but it clouded over last night but “2 out of 3 ain’t bad”. Thanks to Derek for organizing the event and to everyone else for making Lisa and I feel so welcome, Lisa loved every minute of it!!

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, Uplooker said:

    Well, I have to say I was glad to hear Boris “the animal” didn’t make any announcements that preclude me from travelling out of my area, so I can definitely make it up on Wednesday afternoon 👍👍👍.

    Looking forward you seeing new and old attendees.

    Darren, I think it was PSP 2011 that we last met???

    It was and I remember it well, that one and the year before. Like you, I can just swerve the restrictions.....but barely, we can still get there Wednesday legally and that’s all that matters....looking forward to seeing you again Ian and meeting new friends 

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, globular said:

    and I'm not sure I'd have the patience to transpose hand written notes into it the morning after like you do.

    😀😀 I go even further, once I’ve spent an hour or two updating my obs, I then copy and paste everything on to a couple of spreadsheets I’ve got ongoing!!.......Don’t ask me why 😂

    • Haha 1
  8. Absolutely, but overall I love using it. I create a plan for the night using a temporary observing list, allowing you to highlight the objects and organize them by set/rise times and then in the morning I create a session and then create observations from my handwritten notes made at the scope......works seamlessly for me.....except I wish I could tick objects off more than just one list!!.....annoying!!

  9. 8 minutes ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    Hi Jiggy,

    I haven't got a contrast booster. I have read mixed opinions of it on here with it adding a yellow tint to the view? However it does sound like it improved your views of Mars!

    I still haven't managed to see Neptune yet! Its the final planet to observe for me then I have complete the set! I am hoping to view it on one of my next viewing sessions now it's getting dark again.

    How are you finding the Morpheus set? Have you had much time with the 4.5 & 17.5mm?

    How does the 12.5 compare with the 14? I have the 14 am am not sure if I should aquire the 12.5 also as they are very close in power.

    I haven’t found any yellow tinge with the contras booster, not that I’ve noticed, I have found it to improve all the planets, not just Mars which is what it’s best known for.

     I love the Morpheus range, I’ve got them all now and really can’t see any reason to spend more money on more expensive ep’s. I find the 17.5 and 14 to provide excellent wide field and immersive views with excellent contrast and pin sharp stars, great for open clusters, all being well with collimation. You’re right, the 12.5 is probably the least useful for the reason you’ve stated, I admit, I could do without it....but I just couldn’t leave one out of the set 😂 The 4.5 is good for planets and planetary nebula as you still have the wide fov but I do use a Vixen SLV 4mm to get right into the planets 

    Overall, I’m very impressed with the Morpheus, they are a mid price ep that perform as well as their more expensive contemporaries although I am far from being an expert...... I wouldn’t want to comment on exit pupil etc 🤥 

    Neptune is a lovely planet and is pretty well placed at the moment so go for it

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