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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. Today I made an attempt at ridding myself from cone error following Astronomy Shed's youtube video. When it came to loosening the bolts that secure the dovetail to the tube rings (its a Skywatcher dovetail for rings for a 8inch reflector) the bolts were that tightly fitted they were almost welded tight!! 

    After much effort and  rounding the bolts requiring replacements, I took the whole dovetail assembly apart.

    So now, once I've replaced the bolts I need to fit them back to the rings.

    Does anyone know a method of doing this that reduces cone error from the beginning, I'm assuming that if I tighten the bolts and just screw the adjustment alan bolts until they are touching the dovetail, there should be zero cone error....am I right??

  2. Does anyone use the PS Align Pro app for polar aligning and in particular the daytime polar alignment facility. Take a look at the videos below. This guy uses the daytime process using the app which identifies where Polaris is and then uses a bubble like animation for you to polar align with the alt/azimuth bolts. He then checks his alignment the traditional way (second video) and the app seems to be pretty bang on.....for visual anyway. What i like is that you can carry out this process during the day during normal set up and then at night you will only need to fine tune for accurate polar alignment





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  3. i think it should be noted that criminals, both violent and non violent property crime, are far more likely to commit offences against each other and their own neighbours. Although it does happen, the majority of criminals do not travel far to commit  offences so I wouldn't let them win by changing your behaviour too much apart from some basic precautions.....after all....the chances are that if you never locked your front door or your car nothing would happen, obviously, I'm not saying that you should do that.

    I have considered leaving my equipment set up outside in my back garden but there are obvious concerns about that.....does anyone know of any insurance companies that would cover that risk??

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, John said:

     My only reservation with the zoom is it's limited field of view at 24mm so you might want a 30/32mm fixed focal length eyepiece as well for those wider vistas. With a decent 2x barlow lens you would be set up for most observing circumstances then.


    Totally agree

  5. The environment around my house leaves me no option but to set up on my back garden and specifically the lawn. Given the fact that global warming has led to increase rainfall (it hasn't stopped raining for a week now!!) I am conscious that the ground and lawn is sodden. I have put up with this in the past but it appears to be getting worse and I don't want to turn my lawn into a mud bath and ruin the lawn as I walk around the mount.

    I am considering pegging out a large plastic sheet and making some holes for the tripod legs to fit through to the ground below it. As I am hoping to keep the mount setup for much of the winter, this will be almost permanent through the winter.

    Does anyone have any experience of this??.....How did it work for you??....does anyone have an alternative solution (without involving concrete or slabs) or is there a retail solution anyone can suggest

    Thanks guys


  6. Hey everyone,

    This is my first post for about 4 years, used to be a regular on here but work/family/expensive holidays and life in general got in the way and i turned away from the hobby for a few years......but now I'm back and keen to get going again now i'm due to retire in a couple of years and all the time that brings!!! 

    A bit of advice for anyone thinking of making a break.....don't!!......you won't believe how quickly you lose your knowledge, I feel like I'm starting again so expect a lot of questions......anyway, good to be back!!!......Clear Skies!!

    • Like 8
  7. A friend has recently paid for a star to be named after her deceased son (I know a scam perhaps)

    She has been given a certificate and the star is designated under the Intergalactic Star Database as ISD 0165961. I can't find any reference to this database anywhere and suspect it is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

    Does anyone know of this database and how to find the star in a more recognisable catalogue. Apparently this star resides in Cassiopeia and is part of the open cluster M103

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. Hello all,

    I just installed my skywatcher EQ5 Goto Synscan upgrade kit but when i press the arrows on the hand controllers, the motors dont seem to move as they should. It's almost as if something is keeping them from moving as they should. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This is a commonly asked question. Are you sure that the motors aren't moving. The default rate for the handset is the slowest setting. At this rate you will struggle to see the motors and the mount move. Press the rate button (no.2 i think), then press a numbered key between 1 and 9, the higher the faster the rate of slew and then press enter quickly, if you're to slow, pressing enter, the handset will revert to default.

  9. Jake's done a great job here and put up perfect instructions. Given that the instructions that come with the kit are completely inadequate, is it possible that Admin couls make Jake's walkthrough a sticky??....they are obviously helping a good few members.

    The only thing I would add is something most people would find obvious......but I didn't and had to ask on the forums....duh!!!! but for those like me.....you might have to move the positions of the RA and Dec locking levers. Mine caught and jammed on the housing whilst slewing. Just unscrew them via the centre screw and move them round on the rod so when you lock both axis and slew, they stay well away from the housings

    • Like 3
  10. I have just done mine today and yes the instructions were dreadful

    I just winged it in the end because I could find any instructions online someone on here sent me some pics they took when they did there upgrade which were helpful

    Check my topics and you should see my thread which has the pics


    Jake, are you able to give a quick 1 to 10 of how you did it, understand if you havn't got the time but I'm a bit lost

  11. Hey all,

    I could really use a bit of help. I just purchased the SynScan PRO GOTO Version 3 Upgrade Kit for EQ5 for my EQ5, to use with my brand new SW 200P DS :) Now I know that there is some previous threads describing the setup of the upgrade to the mount as pretty easy but being new to this mount, I'm really struggling and the manual (???) is woefull, all one glossy page of it!! I can't even work out how to start. Does anyone have access to a step by step guide?? or is able to at least get me started, I can't seem to find anything on the internet. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

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