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Everything posted by Debo

  1. Very nice image, I had a go at imaging this comet last night and got some reasonable results. I'm having trouble stacking my images (comet & stars) with DSS it wont let me select the position of the comet for some reason (very clear in the subs) just wondering if you used DSS for your image or some other software ?
  2. WOW a fabulous image!!!! I also caught a big one in 2011
  3. Yep things do get a lot better, stick with it.
  4. What with the terrible weather, short days and solar minimum, just for fun I've been looking back at 2014 when things were a bit more exciting. Here's a few images from around that time. Just to cheer us all up it would be great to see some of your images from around the solar maximum.
  5. Great idea Peter, it does look very toasty 🔥
  6. Yes Rob you're right, but it's all relative 😁
  7. Managed to grab a quick session today. There wasn't much to see apart from this little guy :-
  8. Good results Victor. I hope you don't mind but couldn't resist having a tweek of your images in PS
  9. The weather was horrid, windy, wet, cold and cloudy but was lucky enough to get these shots thru a brief break in the clouds.
  10. Well Dave you didn't miss much, with the sun so low in the southwest the ISS appeared really small. I need a bigger scope, blink and you'll miss it 🤨 Untitled.avi
  11. Thanks for the heads up, the weather here is looking promising at the moment.
  12. Hi Rob, here's my example of Sikote-Alin, it's a nice lump of twisted jagged iron shrapnel and is very heavy.
  13. Rather large prom visible today and the seeing was pretty good too.
  14. Looks more like a 1300D to me 😉
  15. Debo

    VMC 260L for sale

    From the album: Debo

  16. Thanks Charl, they were taken a few years ago and I think the camera was a Lumenera Lu075.
  17. Copernicus is a favourite of mine and always makes a good target. Here are a couple of images showing very different views. Taken using Vixen VMC260
  18. That's brilliant, I'd be interested to know what lens and camera you used?
  19. Debo


    From the album: Debo

  20. Debo


    From the album: Debo

    Iridescent clouds
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