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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. These Jupiter shots are looking great Simon. I am also loving the more natural processing too. excellent work mate.πŸ‘
  2. Without a doubt your best so far, very well done.
  3. Thats still a high quality Saturn image Neil, Like you that great night on the 10th of july seems to be our benchmark by which we are compairing our new data. I've imaged saturn 3 times since then and I still can't get anywhere near the quality of that night. I'm still not giving up yet though.πŸ˜€
  4. Very nice wider field shots and very well presented.
  5. It's looking pretty good to me nice capture.
  6. Thats a lovely smooth jupiter image Simon. Very nice colour balance and plenty of detail on show. I had the same problem as Neil only mine was a neighbours BBQ.
  7. I can see why you have processed the last capture of the session Neil. Could it be something to do with the red spot right on the meridian by any chance?πŸ˜€ Lots of fantastic detail showing even in the red spot itself lovely work mate.
  8. Thats a very nice detailed Mars image Kon considering how difficult it is at the moment to capture.
  9. Hi Laurence you are right regarding the ring angle. The conditions that night was not as good as I first thought, I captured Saturn very early as it was still climbing to try and beat the incoming cloud. Thanks all for your comments and likes.
  10. I managed to get a couple of runs on Saturn 4-8-22 just before the clouds moved in. The seeing was fairly steady and it was looking really good as Saturn was steadily climbing, but as usual clouds put a early end to the session. I also noticed the cassini ring seems to be getting more difficult to resolve but i'm not sure if it is down to the seeing or the angle of the ring system as it is getting closer to opposition? C11 - 2xbarlow - Asi290mm - Baader rgb filters As3 R6 Cs6
  11. That shot of Saturn is exeptional Neil. As Simon said in the right hands the Bresser is as good as any out there.
  12. Congrats on your first animation Kon. what makes this even more impressive is that you have no tracking equitorial mount.
  13. The Mars and Jupiter image especially are showing some lovely detail ( very well done.)
  14. Another cracker Simon. Stunning detail on show and a beautiful colour balance too.
  15. They are great images Simon lots of detail in those Jupiter shots and a very nice mars too. I was wondering if you were going to set up for some imaging. It looks like I have missed some good conditions again oh well next time. Great stuff Simon.πŸ‘
  16. Thats a lovely image of Archimedes and Montes Apenninus region. As mentioned the shadows cast along the range just give it that extra spark.
  17. Very nice image Reggie. you can clearly see some banding on the globe.
  18. They are superb images of Jupiter Neil top draw stuff. Having seen your recently posted Saturn image captured with the CC. That proved what I already new was the best bang per buck planetary telescopes out there. I wouldn't hesitate in buying one of these classic cassagrains if I was in the market for a new scope. Your's is definitely a keeper.
  19. Hi Laurence glad you noticed it aswell. The minute I had finished processing it I rotated 180 degree's and thats when I noticed the strange effect. Thanks for commenting on this. Hi Neil thats spot on, I was capturing at crawling pace on Saturn barely running above 21fps. I had to use a lot of smoothing in these images something I dont normaly do as a little bit of noise dont really bother me.
  20. Both Saturn & Jupiter imaged through thin High cloud on the 19-7-22 the thin cloud as introduced a lot of noise in the data. I found both images very difficult to process because of this. We have to take the rough with the smooth I suppose. C11 Asi290mm Baader RGB Filters 2xBarlow
  21. Great result Kon the fourth image just steals the show for me.
  22. A stunning set of images Neil. As you Know I am very partial to close up images of the moon.
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