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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. I Could'nt resist shooting the crescent even though the Atik460m camera is'nt particularly suited for lunar. captured with Flt98 - Atik460m - Baader red filter processed aa5 registax 6.
  2. Cheers Simon It was great getting out there again my Mojo is definetly coming back.
  3. First time out for me in what seems ages. So decided to set my WO flt98 and flat4 R/flattener up for some flatfield testing but could'nt resist the sight of the crescent moon so took some shots of that will process them later . I then turned the scope on M37 and was very satisfied with the flatfield corner to corner. So to finish my session I turned the scope on comet Panstarrs after reading some good reports obout the comets on show in the observing section. This is 60 x30 seconds binned 2x2 Using Baader R filter Atik460m and Flt98 working at fl 507mm.
  4. Thats an excellent very natural looking lunar image.
  5. Thats a lovely lunar image I think i'm prefering the colour shots of late!
  6. Some very nice fine cloud detail Pete, especially in the image from the 2nd. The image from the 3rd isn't to bad either. I know the umbrella experiance only to well😀
  7. Some excellent images you've captured despite the windy conditions. In particular the near full moon image in colour.
  8. Excellent image Steve, very clean, vibrant colour, and lovely tight stars👍
  9. Pete your image of saturn is exceptional the C9.25 as certainly cut through all the merk the UK as to offer. The boosted colour version is very subtle but very clean and sharp excellent work considering saturn is skimming the chimney pots.
  10. Thats a great image of a very difficult target!
  11. Congratulations Olly & Tom, for taking on this mammoth project and creating a truly outstanding image.
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