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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. That image is superb Kostas. They just keep getting better and better very well done.
  2. Some great consistant detail in this animation Kostas. It must be very difficult manually tracking?
  3. Thanks for the likes and comments they are very much appreciated. Here is another Saturn sharpened a little more.
  4. Beautiful image of Jupiter Maurizio. Great detail on view.
  5. A nice start Peter for you're first jupiter image of 2023.
  6. Finally I got around to processing my captures of Jupiter & Saturn from sept 4th. The seeing conditions was really good for my location. I really wanted to push the C11 on Saturn to see if it could resolve the cassini all the way around.? The trans on Jupiter was also good but it did get worse the higher it climbed. C11xlt - Asi290mm - Baader RGB filters - As3 - reg6 - Cs6 Jupiter Image 8 minutes Winjupos - Saturn - 6 minutes Winjupos.
  7. Very nicely done Chris some lovely banding showing. I particular like the cyan band it is what I have been trying to highlight on my saturn images.
  8. Absolutely superb Kostas. You've certainly not lost your touch with the Iss.
  9. Well done Stuart you're derotated image is definetly better to my eyes. It was a very strange imaging session as I found the higher jupiter climbed the worse the transparacy was I put it down to thin high cloud.
  10. Another very clean detailed image Kostas. You're resiliance as certainly paid off.
  11. Hi Kostas I posted the stacked image earlier in the week. I think it flew under the radar. 🙂 Here it is again
  12. Having just seen Maurizio's comment which I agree with I thought I would give the images a boost in contrast.
  13. Thought I'd make a Gif of the Io shadow transit from the data captured on the 21-8-23. This as been a challenge as it is my first ever gif and I used a mono camera. The Asi 462mc will be used for this type of work in future.
  14. Thats superb Maurizio. Beautifully processed and presented thats one to be very proud of.
  15. Great capture Kostas. it's very nice to see the moons in the same field of view as Saturn.
  16. Another great image Kostas. You have managed to capture loads of detail especially around the GRS region great work.
  17. Jupiter Io shadow transit captured 0219 UT on 21-8-23 seeing was average with a fair amount of moisture in the air. C11xt. Asi290mm. Baader rgb filters reg6.cs6. 2x2mins winjupos.
  18. Saturn captured from the same session as my latest Jupiter image. The seeing was reasonably steady. As3. reg6. cs6. C11.xlt - Baader filters - Asi290mm
  19. These images of Jupiter are from the 20-8-23 UT 02.32. Seeing was steady but got worse as the session went on. C11.Xlt. Baader RGB filters. 1.5x barlow. Asi290mm. 4x2mins winjupos Reg6. Cs6 resampled 50%
  20. As kostas refers to getting a colour image of saturn is very difficult. Especially in poor conditions.You have done well. Nice comparison too.
  21. They are a superb set of images Simon.The Saturns are really clean and sharp with a lovely natural cassani. I would say you're best so far. You're Jupiter shot is very smooth and subtle what a great nights work you had.
  22. Nicely captured Reggie and a good comparison too.
  23. Thats a lovely clean image of Jupiter Kostas.
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