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Everything posted by Shimrod

  1. If you are buying into a completely new camera system, then if Canon is the choice I would be looking into the 'R' series - as @Skipper Billy has done. Canon are not making any new EOS DSLR and have phased out most of the lenses from production to concentrate on the 'R' series. I expect there will be an active second hand market for many years in EOS cameras but the 'R' series will have a longer life. The downside is that an R6 would probably cost twice the cameras you have mentioned. There are some new models due later this year if you can wait - a new entry level camera and (hopefully) a 'R' equivalent of the 7dmk2, It's worth noting that the 5D cameras are nearly twice the weight of the 600D if you are planning on using the camera with a lightweight setup.
  2. Have you read this thread - it includes comments on using rechargeable batteries - they will probably not be giving you sufficient power for the mount even with a full charge.
  3. I would have suspected the batteries as well, but @coldlamper also mentions no success switching to a power adapter when the AZ-GTI stopped working. I'd assume the external power supply would override power draw from the batteries and there is nothing in the manual that says remove batteries before using an external power source.
  4. I've no specific kit suggestions for you, but if you are looking to buy something that would be an item to keep long term, I would be looking at something optical - plenty of quality higher end refractors which would serve you well for both visual and AP. Besides the weight of any kit, there is the time to set up and tear down - even if it is jus in the garden and you are not taking it to a more remote site. The harmonic drive mounts look interesting in this regard - easier and quicker set up (if you keep within the 'no counterweight limit) as well as being very portable. I am thinking I will probably get one in a couple of years to replace my AVX and AZ-GTI. The rainbow astro RST135 is available now, or you can wait a little and see what the reviews are like for the ZWO AM5 and similar priced (cheaper) mounts from Artesky etc. which would still leave plenty of room in your budget for other items.
  5. I'm not abandoning my AZ-GTI - I like the flexibility of being able to use it as a straightforward Alt-Az mount as well as EQ with the wedge. It's mostly for travel (in the UK), and as well as astro activities, I also use it with my ZS61 as a spotting scope (indoors or in the garden). On a more pragmatic note, I've just got everything nicely fitting into a single hardcase for travel and storage - I don't want to mess that up!
  6. The release notes are out of date - this is the install screen of the downloaded software - and the version history after installing - you can see a fixed for the gamepad slewing.
  7. I had a look on TeamCelestron and there was someone reporting this same issue with 2.4.1 (and also with 2.4.0). I notice the latest release from the Celestron website is 2.4.2 so you might want to download that and see if it has fixed the issue. I've been using a gamepad for a while with my AVX and CPWI, but the version I have installed is currently 2.3.5
  8. There is quite a big discussion on this mount and it's use for astrophotography here: It should give you all the answers you need.
  9. Don't forget the insurance - that lot certainly won't be covered by standard travel cover! I have my cameras and lenses for all risks on the household insurance - a lot cheaper than extending travel cover or going to one of the photographic specialists.
  10. The design of the iPolar camera has changed - the camera mount is cylindrical and thinner compared to the original camera. This means the bottom part of the AVX mount adapter is no longer required. However, the rectangular hole in the adapter provided a bit of support for the USB cable into the camera - the new design leaves the cable handing with no support and doesn't feel as secure/ @SteveNickolls if yours is the same I wonder if that is the cause of your USB issues. The shiny black also highlights all the dust!
  11. I am receiving my new iPolar camera today, so looking forward to testing it out along with the new software. It's really reached the end of the astro season for me (late nights and work commitments don't mix), but hopefully will have some clear skies at the weekend to see how the new software performs.
  12. Of course if you do that, you would be excluding the likes of Svbony equipment which have been generally well received and we'll priced. They are only available through the likes of eBay and Amazon - I don't think any of the UK astro shops sell them. It can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff though.
  13. Hi Steve, my problem was slightly different - I could get a connection to the camera, but failed on retrieving and image. I keep my laptop fairly static in terms of software (including Windows updates), so was pretty confident it wasn't a sudden incompatibility issue. I did try the camera with another PC and different software and got the same result each time. The supply chain issues are annoying but can't be helped - I've not had too much time (or clear sky) this winter that it has mattered too much. Possibly what worries me more is a few people now all reporting failures with camera.
  14. FLO couldn't fix it he camera and ioptron wanted to inspect the camera so it had to go back to China. An order for a replacement camera was raised so I didn't have to wait for the repair, but they have not yet come back into stock. Still some COVID fallout and stocking issues - I'll be packing telescopes away shortly and they won't come out again until September.
  15. If you're considering a 127 Mak, there is a Celestron 127 nextstar SLT available - used, like new - in the Amazon Warehouse sale - this link should show it as the first telescope in the list. It shows the cheapest option available at £408, but click on the six used offers link next to the price to see all available in the amazon warehouse. The 'like new' is £533, but there is a 20% off offer which brings it down to £426, or about £170 off new price.
  16. Artesky have it listed as 572 euros (and available September) which seems a bit high to me - midway between an EQ3 and EQ5 (although both of those come with a handset). My assumption is that this is the AZ-GTI mechanism and firmware in an compact EQ mount my guess would have been around £450. An AZ-GTI and wedge is around £400
  17. I suspect that it is straightforward reuse from the AZ-GTI and you will be able to use the existing AZ-GTI replacement ADM saddles on this mount. It looks like a nice little mount, but I do like the flexibility of being able to switch from EQ to AZ-ALT with the GTI so I won't be replacing mine.
  18. This should probably be in the celestial heads up forum, but thought it might get a bit more visibility here. There were 17 solar flares from the sun yesterday, and the forecast is for a G3 storm (KP index 7) in the early hours of March 31st (i.e. tonight). This should give naked eye aurora in Scotland, and a reasonable chance of something decent caught on camera lower down if you can get a reasonable dark sky. Worth monitoring the forecast here: NOAA 3 day forecast and I quite like the Glendale app for real time reports of what people are seeing across the UK. Weather forecast for me is clear skies, so just have to see how long I can stay up!
  19. If ZWO keep to the pattern of sales, then it may be available at a discount in November and December (assuming it's out by then!)
  20. Does this mean we might see some new spotting scopes in the near future? I had been thinking of a Pentax or Celestron spotting scope, but might hang on a while to see what turns up.
  21. I have the Celestron Powertank Pro - it's lightweight, I don't have to remember to keep it topped up when I haven't used it for a while and it has both 2.1mm and cigarette lighter as well as USB outputs for a bit of flexibility. I've used mine with an AVX mount, dew heater and ASI533MC for 3-4 hour sessions and still had enough power for the same again the following night. I've also used it with an AZ-GTI, and while it should be fine if you are imaging, be aware that the AZ-GTI doesn't draw enough power on its in when tracking to stop the Powertank doing it's auto-shutoff thing - as long as you have another device drawing power you should be fine. Cheapest place I found the powertank pro was picstop - mine was £204 but I see they've now gone up to £242. You can get a couple of pounds off if you use topcashback.
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-60848732 A new entertainment venue which will be 96m high and covered in LEDs will show visual displays and adverts. I don't understand how there can be special committees on light pollution, concern over energy usage and the environment yet something like this can be given planning permission.
  23. The 72ED is within the weight limit of the mount, but based on some of your earlier threads are you really asking 'is this mount with an Evostar 72ED a good starting platform for imaging?' I will let others with some experience of the mount answer that question.
  24. I've used these swabs to clean the sensor on my 7d - I think someone on here had recommended them. First time I had cleaned the sensor in seven years of ownership and it made a definite difference, although it took a few passes to budge all the dust.
  25. That's the star adventurer, and of course you can see star trackers from various brands on this link https://www.firstlightoptics.com/star-tracker-astronomy-mounts.html The stock figures are accurate on the FLO website - buy one and watch the stock level go down!
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