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April 3rd 21:00 - 00:30 Birkrigg Common - Cumbria

April 3rd 21:00 - 00:30 Birkrigg Common - Cumbria Skywatcher 200p + EQ5 + SynScan April 3rd at 00:00 saw Saturn in opposition and at it's closest to earth for a year, at just under 750 Million miles away from the Earth. Like many other like minded imagers and astronomers I was out at a dark sky site for a few hours, taking in the spectacular wonder of our solar system! Saturn with it's truly stunning rings and Moons, Dione, Rhea, Tethys and Enceladus being the closest but Saturn has many moons,



beginner telescope wanted to carry in flight one time

Hello, I wanted to buy a telescope for star gazing for my father in India. I am presently in US. When I buy it I should be able carry it with me as a checking luggage. This is my first telescope and wanted a good one for the beginner and long lasting .Please suggest me some option and let me know what I need to consider when I buy the telescope. I am looking at below $300 budget Thanks Raja



Have I ordered the right telescope?

I started looking into buying a telescope a couple of weeks ago and after looking around in the net I decided to order a skywatcher 200p/1000 NEQ5 with the hope that it was big enough not to be disappointed with what I saw. I also wanted in the future the possibility of adding a motor to the mount for tracking to tack photos.I´d like to know what you think of this combination. Is the mount any good for photos. Thanks :)



lyra and M57

Hi all after waiting for a few months now lyra as shown her self,and what a thrill she was wow weeeeeeeeee ,i ran in side once a seen vega pop in up above the forest at the back of my house the tingle on the back of my neck was unreal.tea in hand and the daggers of the mrs i shown her what all the fuss was about in my books ,her lifted eyebrows said it all.an hour or so later there lyra was in all her glory,hands shake in a leveledb both the gemreds,spun the base round lifted the icy tube up to



Saturn i will video you! 3 april

Hi all ,well a wa up till around 04:30 we had a great clear skyand high mag see in conditions set the scopes up and got the coffee on and fired it all up well for some reson the 90mm refractor just would not focus with the cameras or the web cam .a new the dob would be a challenge as the web cam makes it shoot through the screen so of a go , after 2 hours of twisting turning i headed for the kitchen to warm up and check the footage so far a new soon saturn would be high in the south eastish and



Solar Filter

I've got some solar filter film coming this Week. I'll have a go with the Baadar ND 5.0 type first. Here's my idea for the filter and housing.



Redoing the pier

As I am now changing from a CG-5GT to a NEQ6 the pier need to have a bit lopped off, not easy as it is concrete :(. Anyway, this afternoon I decided to get it done and got the electric saw out, yes thats right, the electric saw!! It's one of those all singing and dancing thingys you put in whatever blade and has a powerful motor. Well the motor may be powerfull but the blade was another thing, not only that but in a confined space and at a height not conducive to old age, my arms gave out after

The Sailor

The Sailor

Solar viewing

After going through the menu on the NEQ6 I realised that the sun was not on the menu. Went out today and using Stellerium I clicked on the sun and waited, the mount zoomed away and hit it spot on. Hitting identify on the handset it went through it's routine and reported nothing there :( . Was not able to determine if lt stayed on traget for long as clouds came and stopped viewing in it's tracks. So, something to think about at a later date :).

The Sailor

The Sailor

It finally happened!

April 1st, 2011 After watching one of my favourite science fiction movies of all time "Alien", I decided to take out my telescope. It was around 10:00pm and since the night sky doesn't become dark till later, this was the perfect time. Orion was already very low to the horizon. It was with ultimate respect that I gave it a wave goodnight. The final curtain was falling for my dearest constellation since the center stage will soon be ready for the spring / summer night sky. I



My viewing

Clear skies late last night enabled me to get my new setup out of the kitchen and onto the patio. Can't use the pier in the observatory yet as it needs to be modified to take the NEQ6. Done all the normal setup procedure and got the mount into action, am very impressed with the lack of noise, actually had to look to see that it was slewing. The align procedure was was very simple, thorough and quick and I was pleased to see all tagets come up almost centre in the eyepiece. The only problem I had

The Sailor

The Sailor

Which scope?

Am looking to buy either a Celestron Advanced C8 SSGT XLT on a CG 5 mount or Celestron Nexstar 8SE on the alt/azimuth mount. I will probably image at some time and have been told an equitorial mount is necessary for imaging as the alt/azimuth won't track accurately enough. The Nexstar looks easier to set up and is much lighter, but if it can't be used to image then the equitorial option seems the way to go. Can anybody advise please?

stoneybroke 15

stoneybroke 15

crayford hell

well were do a start,i decided to by a low profile crayford to better the scope and help with my pics adventure,well just put in a normal 1.25 ep in is a hassle and takes a good 5 mins to get focus because not only ,do you have to pull the ext tube all the way out,but also the 1.25:holderthat the ep sits in what a hassle the 12"dob was so easy to set up with the rack and pinion focuser.i had a long 2" skywatcher t adapter which was just to long when use in the cannon camera and ended up by in




Good to tell summer here in uk, constellations changed, got used to orion, pliedies, Perseus etc, going to have to learn another section, out last night laid on floor with binoe`s could not make any thing out, mind you rolling clouds did not help, i will have to study Patrick moors year book 2011. Hoping for a crack at Venus and moon this morning, and may be Saturn, but it was raining heavy here in York, been low cloud cover here this last week, mind you tonight looks promising clear blue sky'

mr saddo

mr saddo

I confess

March 30th, 2011 Last night was my 51st time acclimating and using my telescope. I must confess something, I have been a bad astronomer. You see, telescopes have no magic to them. However, like many illusionists, they work with mirrors. Once in awhile (about every two months or so) or according to need, the user makes sure that these mirrors are indeed aligned properly. In true astronomical terms, this is called collimation. I confess, all this time,... I have never done it. If



359 or 360 teeth.. just how do you count them

On the face of it easy, but in practice less so. In my case my drive system has been slightly lagging the stars and I'm trying to work out exactly where the error lies. It looks like the error is around 2% so worm wheels on their own don't account for it, but it could be part of the problem I thought it might be that the worm wheels got swapped when the mount was refurbished, in which case the mount would be running a tad slow. So how do you count 360 teeth?.. and trust your answer when you'r



Villanelle to Cosmology

SUPERLUMINELLE :dontknow: -- James Ph. Kotsybar The Universe is expanding, Faster than the limit of light, Beyond common understanding. Cosmology is demanding. Its study is by no means slight. 'The Universe is expanding. Physics’ heroes, quite outstanding, Have applied their full mental might Beyond common understanding. There’s no point in reprimanding, As we gaze out into the night, The Universe is expanding. The truth of fact is commanding. Whatever is has to be right, Beyond comm



Dobsonian telescope

I'm a beginner starting to make a reflective Dobsonian telescope. Any advice, any common mistakes to look out for?



aspen reflector telescope

Hi i am new to astronomy and a complete beginer. my 9 year old daughter wanted a tele scope for her birthday and i have just brought an aspen 130x1000mm telescope with an eq2 mount . the scope did not come with a manual can neone help?



japan and acrucy

since it was rumered that japan's continet had shifted about 8 ft closer towards the united states wouldn't that through of the longitude and ladatude grid off because of the shift



help ep

anyone----2inch ep 70-q --70 fieldview..made by orion--38mm 100.00 is it worth getting........t.y.:headbang:



Ascom and EQAscom on Win7, Vista

Hello, Having problems connecting my HEQ5 Syntrek to my PC via Eqmod via win7 and Vista. Same cable seems to work on old laptop so wandered whether i am missing something with regards to installing on Win7 or Vista(both Ultimate)? Thankyou. Rt



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