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Long weekend.. a few days more on the library

So I've spent a few days on the ATIK support over the wet & cloudy weekend after a little break (including SGL7).. The productive points: * EFW2 support should be simple - I'm happy with the research on that part. * The final refactoring/restructuring of the ATIK driver library is in full swing - after which a large portion of testing!



Two Cases - A CGEM - A C9.25 and AR152

Another outing with the new CGEM - this time in daylight. I had the Explore Scientific AR152 Refractor on board with a Thousand Oaks white light glass solar filter. I used 'Quick Align' then slewed to the Sun. You allow The Sun to be displayed on The Planet Menu by going to Utilities and enabling it. Although the Glass Solar Filter is not quite as sharp as the Baader Astro Film, I really like the safety aspect of it. It can't rip or blow off in the wind and apparently the glass is quite hardy



a long bank holiday...

the perfect time for late nights and a spot of star spotting and of course....... its cloudy:( guess i'll just stop in,drink beer and watch tv then....



A Complete Beginners Learning Curve: Part 5 February 18th

Another clear night gave me the opportunity to get out with my scope to my local dark (ish) site in some nearby woods. I've got packing the car, unloading and setting up pretty organised now...so its down with the blanket - to protect my knees and make sure I don't lose anything before getting the scope out and leaving it to cool. The 200P is pretty manageable and the dob mount is a doddle to set up - It can be ready within a few minutes of unpacking it...get it on level ground...drop the



saturn versus full moon!!

hi, just peeked at Saturn the full moon has blanched it out if thats the right word,it looked really yellow, not sharp at all could see rings but no sharpness on body of planet, even on full power. waited for it to come up above houses. ah well ile, have to wait till moon buzzes off. Although the moon looked really sharp and BRIGHT good detailing.

mr saddo

mr saddo

A little bit of beauty goes a long way!

Saturday, March 31st, 2012 and into the wee hours of the first day of April. It had been nearly a month since my last serious stargazing session although I had caught many glimpses as the weeks strolled by. Each time, I was either swamped with school-related work, had no time to properly record what was observed or was away from my telescope altogether. There were times that I ached to be outside and other moments when my passion for the stars completely overwhelmed my senses. Howeve



A Complete Beginners Learning Curve: Part 4 January 23rd

Seems like an absolute age since I last managed to get my scope out under clear skies...and indeed the diary says its over a month ago! I've been itching for an opportunity to get out...Christmas had bought goodies including a Telrad Finder and plenty of additions to my burgeoning Astronomical library! Out in the Light Pollution trap which is my back garden - and having given stern instructions to the ladies of the household not to put the bathroom light on while I'm outside I get the scope



A Complete Beginners Learning Curve: Part 3 December 18th

Sunday 18th December It seems like an age since I last managed to get the scope out...and looking at my observing Diary has it down as nearly a month ago...was my telescope the worst investment ever LOL! After observing from my fairly cruddy back garden last time I've bitten the bullet, loaded the car and traveled somewhere darker - not far just a pull in by the road in some local woods...found that the scope lies easily across the back seat and the seat belts make perfect tie downs, leaving the



A Complete Beginners Learning Curve: Part 2 November 29th

Tuesday November 29th First clear night since I acquired my scope and an opportunity to observe from my back garden. Not a perfect observing site by any means - but probably similar to many suburban observers, plenty of light pollution and obscured to the north and east by houses and trees - view south reasonable - but trees on the horizon and to the north the town of Newark gives a lovely orange glow LOL! On a good night I can typically see stars down to about mag 4.5 - I usually look over at U



Solar filter for Skywatcher 200P Dob

I am considering buying a solar filter for my 200P Dob, and I wanted to check if anybody knows whether the AstroZap Baader Solar Filter advertised on FLO for 8 inch scopes would fit on my scope?



A Complete Beginners Learning Curve: Part 1 Bio

First blog post so thought I'd introduce myself! Always been interested in Amateur Astronomy...though I've never previously owned a scope - at various points in my life i've enjoyed the sky with binoculars and a copy of Nortons Star Atlas (Old Skool I know!) Anyway jealousy over Dark Nebula's huge refractor...(scope envy) has prompted me to invest in a second hand Skywatcher 200P - my first astronomical scope! Its the old style blue tube model, mounted on a very rickety home made Dob mount. I've




Last night was absolutely beautiful in Suffolk. There was a little high level cloud but otherwise it was quite perfect for backyard astronomy. I decided that I was going to take my first photos of Mars. I used the Logitech Webcam that I had previously cannabalised and took several AVI clips through my refractor using a 3x Barlow lens. I did not get any dark or flat frames which probably would have improved the results. I then processed the images using Registax, IRIS and Photoshop. Although the



1st obs sesson since arrival of newborn baby Addison

Well its been about a month since my last observations, little baby Addison has had me up every night unable to be put down due to acid reflux! However, my wife has let me out for one evening and I feel I've made the most of it. Started off with Venus through the 9mm, looked to be about 2/3 full, no resolution of the cloud cover using the UHC-S filter. Next was our moon, broke out the new 20mm 100 degree, really clear wall to wall, moon filled central 2/3 of f.o.v. so really good for lunar mappi



The Moon,Venus and the Pleiades

Beautiful night in Suffolk. Took quick photos with tripod mounted compact camera and then used Iris and Photoshop to create composite showing the Seven Sisters as well as our closer neighbours the Moon and Venus.



The Moon,Venus and the Pleiades

Beautiful night in Suffolk. Took quick photos with tripod mounted compact camera and then used Iris and Photoshop to create composite showing the Seven Sisters as well as our closer neighbours the Moon and Venus.



The Moon

I had admired the moon yesterday as it was a new crescent, with Venus and Jupiter still close by from the recent near-miss conjunction (from my location), I decided to have a go with the telescope tonight. I had the telescope set up before sunset, the moon and Venus were clearly visible, as the sun set but it was still light I also noticed Jupiter and Mars so I had a look at both - Jupiter was looking very nice, several bands visible and four moons in a long line (still only just dusk, daylight



Autoguiding cracked !!!

After a long time trying, the challenge of autoguiding has just about been sorted - took quite a lot of problem solving though. Equipment: QHY5 camera SkyWatcher ST80 refractor USB cables Software: QHY5drv QHY5drvupdate AscomPlatform6.1 Microsoft Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 Microsoft Net Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2 Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 PHD and some additional software that allows complete removal of QHY5 drivers to start all over again - Astrosoftbe/InstallTool (thank



dso`s from last night

http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-deep-sky/182078-dso-run-1-a.html#post2223362 they in the right forum this time



Exciting Event on Mars!

http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/highlights/Strange-Happenings-on-Mars-143959576.html and again something for the big boys. with big scopes

mr saddo

mr saddo

Supernova in M95

http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/highlights/Supernova-in-M95-143981746.html for all those with big telescopes have a look at this.

mr saddo

mr saddo

how to merge jupiter pics with it's moons

The idea in GIMP is, after processing everything in Registax - make a new pic first, totally black (helps), then open as layer your jupiter picture (this u can derotate and flip according to your gusto, I do a bit of brightness/contrast/sharpness back and forth), then open as layer your moon picture (that one will need sharpening, contrasting etc.). Now you have a big bright blotch in that picture, right? Don't worry about it - take a note of it's position [unsure how to align to pics] because u



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