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new scope out this cold morning -1 poor seeing condition? any one else struggerling

Hi all, had the sky watcher 120 evostar out, on to Saturn, struggling to get a sharp image, mars was bright and flaring slightly on one edge, a star would not pin point but sea gulling. E.P seemed to have a bloom round object! It was -1 mind you and a bit Dewie, any one else had this, this morning or is my scope faulty!! hope not, it was second hand, it is under warranty.

mr saddo

mr saddo

my new scope!

Hi all. just received my newish scope!! sky watcher evostar 120 refractor its a beast!! just need a decent mount now doh!! Stargazers Lounge - mr saddo's Album: skywatcher evostar 120 refracter

mr saddo

mr saddo

27th nov 2011

Hi all well been do in all sorts since me last adventure,i finished the barn door tracker works great pics will follow when the skies decide to clear,i set about make in a fan after spend in months with tube currents and reading endless amount on this subject ,i got a group average on the pros and cons of a fan,i cut a circle out of clear plastic cut the notchs out for the col screws and glued the Velcro to both parts and trimmed up that all done the cloud came down for weeks till the 27th,i gav



M42 - The Orion Nebula - through my ST80

Having studied M42 through my Celestron 8SE with the supplied 25mm and Celestron X-Cel 10mm eyepieces last winter I was curious to see how well the ST80 could display it using the same eyepieces, as well as the standard ones that came with the telescope; I was pleasantly surprised at how good the views were. From memory of last year's viewing through the 8SE I remember the view being much larger, though that could have been through the 38mm (2mm, won't fit the ST80). I was able to clearly make o



up early for saturn and mars!!

I finally dragged my self out of bed this morning being Friday at 5 am, it was clear!! got the heritage dob 130p out got on to mars.... well what can i say... disappointed was the word, had to go to full power x144 9mm x2 barlow and it was just a orange ball no detail it was quite bright though. i was thinking on the lines of Jupiter size and brightness, any way got Saturn in low east, rings are nearly side on now, no moons showing, then the clouds rolled in, oh ISS came over on slow approach

mr saddo

mr saddo

First decent sighting of M42 this season

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to see Orion at all from my usual viewing location yet, but it made a full appearance between two buildings as it rose up tonight. Even with the light pollution from the local pub (which it rose almost directly above) I was able to make out a good amount of the nebular with binoculars and averted vision, maybe even with a slight green tinge unless my imagination was working overtime. Can't wait to use the filter I purchased on it, should bring out the detail beautifu



Battery update

Expected delivery at the suppliers for the AGM battery I am hoping to buy is 5th December, just two weeks to wait. Until then it will be binoculars and the ST80.



Been a spending

The cloud has seen me spending. I now have the eq5 pro mount with a scope I was not going to keep but now am. A eqdir USB kit, extra imaging webcam, t ring for dslr, a modded finder with webcam in to be used as an auto guider, a USB gps for when using the scopes with the laptop to get the settings as accurate as possible for the goto. Now to work out how it all plugs together once it arrives



Juipter Last night.

Equipment,30 year old Vixon 102mm f10 refactor.Took gear out in the & set it up in the garden about 1600.Went out about 1830 Gear swimming in in dew.Lined Juipter in guide scope.Could see nothing through 25mm EP.Guide scope has moved.I thought here we go again.Got this set up,can now see Juipter Mag is about 40.Put in 10mm.Lost Juipter again.Guide scope still not right.:evil6:Sorted this out & put in the 5.5 apogee EP .Screw in the Neodymium Filter.looking good.See bands of planet. Ma



barndoor tracker finished

Barn door tracker HI all thanks for take in a look, well i started with idea to make one for ages but had not a pice that a needed to make it ,to the shed i went . i looked in a few boxes to find what may or may not work,finding a piece of old hoover pipe was the first thing i thought theirs the mount for the camera and so on,till i found everything apart from the bolt which i got from a diy place,i set to work job done i set it up tested it ,reset it up tested tracked a few shots lens g



Celestron C11 XLT Info Wanted

I see that Flow are doing this scope for £1595.I always wanted a big Mac.Can any body tell me what this scope is like to live with.My set up at the moment is a Vixen 102mm F10 refactor & a 840 Tocam.This has done very well.I just use this for astro work.Light pollution is a problem were i live.What is the main problems with this type of scope.Is it easy to set up.I dont want spent all the evening just trying to get it working. Steve



started out good but.........

Had heritage 130 dob scope out last night, it was actually dark at tea time for a change and not the Grey sky we have had, Jupiter good, Andromeda still just a Grey smudge, some nice clusters up on Cygnus and Cassiopeia, pliedies nice, but...... then how many aircraft flying above York!! seem to be circling? must have been queuing up for Leeds?! and then the halogens were on!!! in peoples gardens, pain in the butt, out with the sheets on the washing line!! to block the light, and then the clouds

mr saddo

mr saddo

Jupiter Observation - Quick Sketch

I've never had much succes Photographing Jupiter, so tonight, I took the traditional approach of sketching my observation before the clouds rolled in. I suppose this sketech would be a good start for a log book, as the only record I have of my observations is this blog and various folders on my computer.



Tutorials Page - several more are under progress

Here are a few more basic Tutorials I have just written for Polar Alignment and astrophotography - primarily to help a small bunch of friends including myself. They are not all out guides but just enough to get started ... Polar Alignment - Polar alignment tutorial with photographs - for an EQ6 Pro mount but idea should be the same for others Subs & Frames - what are they all about, how to capture them and how to use them BackyardEOS - Basic intro to operating this amazing imaging progra



My start in basic webcam astrophotography

Since starting in this hobby several months ago one of the things that have become evident to me is just how expensive it can be. Almost from the outset I started to want to photograph the things I was seeing to be able to share them with friends and family but the cost of the equipment put this beyond my reach, or so I thought. Whilst looking into the basic techniques involved with astrophotography I stumbled across a well developed way of using everyday computer webcams to capture some pretty



The Moon and Jupiter

Not a lot going on tonight. Thought I'd go for a different perspective just to get more hands on with the camera.



yu55 astroid

HI all any one got plot / times of yu55 for tomorrow? for northern hemisphere or uk time?

mr saddo

mr saddo

Cassiopeia best watch out tonight

i intend to have a good look again tonight that depends on the moon of course, and the clouds i will take a few wide field shots shots as well and get the pens and black card out . but i fear dew may be a problem not on the scope but the camera even with the home made plant pot dew shield but will give it ago the temp at the min is 5 c ,so the camera may stay in the house we will see will finish this blog later epic fail i did a bit of moon and Jupiter with the webcam,came in the house



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