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jupiter 4th august 2011 moons on the move

hi wanted to vid the moon positions ,this morning try in to get a video every day for the month if you watched the 3rd august video this one is a must as the 3 moons, io,gan,euro form a lil triangle tonight was brill was hope in,for the same tonight.but a think we all have the wet stuff today for a change http://www.youtube.com/user/todd8137?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/uZUsMX0z5lI heres the link try and sit a few feet away from the monitor for better view in and watch in HD thanks pat



Jupiter 3rd aug 2011

Hi all waited up for jupiter so i could try Castrator software out as with have in the dob and it fly in all over the placeon the screen,this sofware sorts that out and makes registax catch all the frames i dropped one as i shot this all in 60 fps which was rubbish ,with the spc900,any way heres a link for it have a look http://www.astrokraai.nl/castrator.php it works ok theres no point me going any more into it ,as am not up to speed with it my self but its fool proof and very easy to use clo




pleiades last night. for those of you dont know it the sauce pan (or the great bears tail) stand facing that, look east 90 degress thats the place to look (the place looks like another sauce pan but really small) jupiter is also rising. i saw 4 last night, and i saw countless others (and i know what you are saterlights) but each one ending flittered to doom



Ever look at stars with the help of high beams?

I know that I have made myself scarce this summer but the camping season is coming to a close and I should be back up north (armed with my computer and electricity) on an everyday basis soon. Isabelle July 29, 2011 August is right around the corner and as night fell, so did the mercury (no,... not the planet, although I have been told that it is visible before sunrise). At 9:00 pm, already a chill could be felt in the air so I grabbed my jeans and sweater. Si



metror fire ball france check this out!!

Just been on the YAS site( York astronomical society) check the fire ball captured over France 10 seconds worth of video. june 6th at 22.37 "ITS THE SECOND SCREEN DOWN" utc.http://meteore.forumattivo.com/t995-meteora-luminosa-20100605_223722

mr saddo

mr saddo

1st outing since winter!!

Its been a funny summer, when the nights don`t really get dark, and the stars don`t come out to play, Any way could not sleep last night went to the toilet 2pm, had a quick look out the window has usual, and Jupiter was really blazing, right some scope time not been out since winter! it was quite damp out and a lot of dew about, sky looked hazy, got on to Jupiter very bright moons clearly shown, but could not see any banding, then i panned to my old favorite Cassiopeia, some nice NG clusters, O

mr saddo

mr saddo

Images from 26th /27th 28th July and blog

Imaging report for 27/28th July 2011 I arrived at my dark sky site at around 22:35 and conditions were a little hazy but clear, there was a weather front moving in from the West but I was sure I had a few hours before it arrived. I quickly got the scope set up, I took the SkyWatcher 120mm short tube imaging refractor with me tonight instead of the 200p. I checked polar align app on the Iphone to get the correct alignment position and polar aligned the scope and started with a 2 star goto set-up



Difficult first night viewing.

Evening all, first time blog user and stargazers user so be gentle. This evening I finally got to use my Skywatcher Heritage 130p which I bought 2 weeks ago due to rain and clouds since. I must admit I was slightly disappointed, sadly there was no moon at all but plenty of stars. I must admit I don't know much about astronomy yet as still learning but have a feeling I did a classic mistake which was 'point it at the star and see' though all I could see was a closer White dot. I'm still going to



Finder a Success!

Got to test home-made finder tube at around 415am this morning when a couple of holes appeared in the clouds to reveal Capella and Jupiter. Ideal test subjects :) Tube works a treat. Using one eyed view, making sure the tube walls formed a concentric circle around the 'objective' end of the tube with Jupiter in the centre of the view - switch to look through binoculars and Jupiter perfectly centred (in right eye view at least - convinced there's a major collimation issue with my bins :( ). Jupit



Made sighting tube for Binoculars

Made a simple sighting tube for my 20x80 binoculars today. Used a soluble vitamin tube, 2 spring clips and a small bracing bracket which all sit nicely on top my basic binocular mount. Guessing the view angle is about 5 degrees. 'Discovered' the FOV on my binoculars is 3.5deg not 2.5!! Adjusted optics settings on Starmap Pro. Important stuff for developing my star hops. Still convinced I was looking at 81uma the other night not 83uma (which could have crept into the FOV at 3.5degrees). This may



1st Mounted Binocular Session In Years

Made a simple L mount for my 20x80 binoculars. Must have had them 20 years and never realised there was a mounting bush in the hinge - just shows what a bit of reading up can reveal! Gave them a quick test outside on what was not the clearest of nights. Decided to check out Mizar/Alcor pairing. Forgot how tricky it can be trying to find objects unprepared through a 2.5deg FOV. Found Mizar/Alcor and a third star at around 11o'clock in the FOV. Turned out to be 81Uma when I went back in to confirm



ATIK & AOSX is on!

Thanks to Steve & co at ATIK, we should have good support for ATIK cameras on AOSX :D :hello2: Steve, under NDA, has allow me access to the source code to develop support for the ATIK camera range. The resulting runtime AOSX plugin will then be useable freely for ATIK owners. When AOSX source becomes public, the AOSX ATIK plugin source will remain closed. Naturally ATIK will have the source so If I get hit by a bus then all is not lost! I have the popular 383L+ and 16ic along with the EFW2,



Widefield Shot

I took about 20 shots of Andromeda last night and used deep sky stacker again. This is the best shot I've had so far with Andromeda in it. I havn't had much luck with Andromeda and my Telescope so far, but I'm sure I'll get there in the end.




I took some more shots of Arcturus last night. So far, last night was the clearest I've ever seen the night sky, not a cloud in sight. Setting up is getting a bit easier, the worst problem is getting the speed correct on the single axis drive, once I'm polar aligned. In April, I took a shot, but wasn't sure about stacking, so there was a lot of light pollution. I stacked and cleaned up last nights shot using deep sky stacker and some darks and flats I took at the same time. I'm pretty pleased wi




HI ALL last night i took 50, 4 sec subs of m13 on the camera every thing was great lots of stars in the glob,zoomed the 10d in look great no joy with the stack with darks ect. when i looked on the pc at the raws (iso 800) there was nothing there could not work this out heres just 2 of the pics which are single frames i deleted the other 48 next time a will take a few and check them out straight away



The double-double, Epsilon Lyrae, clouded out!

I decided to have a crack at this from Turn Left at Orion using my Startravel 80, it looked simple enough - a couple of stars right next to Vega, how could I not find that? Except, that is, for the massive cloud bank that had appeared across virtually the whole sky since I put my telescope out. He waits, that's what he does. Tick follows tock follows tick. You get the picture. :clouds1: Eventually I could see a gap forming on the horizon, and about twenty minutes later it arrived at Vega a



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