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draconids any one?

Any one spot thr draconids over week end? i was out for a few hours with scope friday night, but no joy, moon was bright that dint help.

mr saddo

mr saddo

uranus 2

went to my astronomy club's public show (public come along look through scopes, you know the thing)...there was no luck with uranus but was informed that with a 4" you will see a greenish smudge - but an 8" is what you want (mirror that is) hope this helps folks.



It's just the girls!

October 7th, 2011 I was comfortable watching a movie with Steven when the doorbell rang. After a few seconds, I could hear a series of knocks. I made my way to the door and three of my science students were standing there. "Did you see the moon and the stars tonight Isabelle? We want to see it! Is your telescope out?" :rolleyes: The fact that it wasn't and that I preferred returning to the comforts of the couch to see the rest of the movie is proof that my husband had finall



Andromeda & Capella in Auriga

It's a clear night tonight over Rutland. I've had another crack at Andromeda. Now I know roughly where to aim the scope, its much easier. I managed about 15 x 25sec shots with my 130mm scope. I managed to stack the image below. It's my best image of a deep sky object so far. Amazing to think its 2.5 million light years away and still visible. It certainly puts a different light on my life, when I imagine the scope of such things. It's a shame I won't be around when it gets close to the Milky Way




spent a couple of hours trying to see uranus tonight...no luck. I know where its supposed (ish )to be but can't find it or my elbow...lots of clouds and clear moments interrupting my viewing so i go back to computer and try another asterism to guide me...found it hard to find Pices with all the cloud (that's my excuse)...better luck (preparation) tommorrow. don't know what to expect other than a green looking star, must have "seen" it but didn't regognise it as such. Jupiter's good though, and



Antares 0.5x focal reducer 90mm frac test 1

hi all this video will explain all tested on a distant chimney on my spc900 wc and 90mm frac will test on the 12" reflector later video on you tube take a look at my other vids whilst you are there thanks



Brrrrr! It's cold, might as well reach for my Vesta!

Saturday, October 1st, 2011 A VEST? It was so cold that I reached for my winter coat and hat! Staying pretty much immobile in 2 ºC / 35.6 ºF with 70 km winds can become uncomfortable with time but the skies called out to me. Our geographical area goes through a second freshet in the autumn months. This means cloud cover for two months straight as the rains come in so right now, I don't want to let any chances pass me by! There was also the little matter of Vesta,... Throughout



Spot the camera ;)

This is the Xcode USB probe application. I thought I'd just give you a hint that it's slowly advancing ;)



My New Roll off Roof Observatory part 2

I've been quite busy over the last 6 weeks since I first posted this blog. I've managed to get hold of a second had PC with a 2.8 GHz processor, and a Gig of RAM from a mate of mine for a good price, what I really wanted it for was it has Windows XP, which is great for most Astronomical software as far as comparability is concerned, as well i managed to get my hands on a small metal Computer desk which was destined for the tip, and fits perfectly in my new observatory. The first job was to get i

Si W

Si W

My first ever shot through Canon 10d of the Pleiades.

Hi peeps. FINALLY, I have been imaging over this last week with my modified spc900 and had some glorious shots of jupiter and moon and various nebula. Really was excited about it but my Canon camera just wouldnt play ball. Anyhow last night I took 5 x 4min exposures on the Pleiades and here is the result. May not be great but im sure happy with it, couldnt seem to get anything in focus prior to this and when I did I had bloated egg shaped stars. Anyhow thanks to all of you thats helped me finall



1st October Jupiter /Wide field

Oct 1st hi to all was out last night was play in with the web cam and 12" reflector ,i got a bit a vid of Jupiter but its was rubbish seeing smoggy is what it was . i tried for 10 mins and gave up got the camera out D10 and 18mm lens and a way a went ,these pics are raw and have not been touched theres to many . mars was up hard to miss its rise in early now still to low for me and to late.Jupiter pics are edited a bit to bring the banding out cheers Jupiter video wide-field pic



1st October Observations

I've been out this morning observing Orion and mars. I'm really pleased I made the effort as It's the first time I've seen Mars. It was also an added bonus to have Mars, Orion and Jupiter visible together in one session. The background shots were taken with my DSLR using the 18-55mm lens. The closeups were taken with the camera connected to my telescope. I found the nebula much more difficult to focus than the planets, as it's not visible with the live view function, so a lot of guess work is re



1st October tomorrow and we have a clear sky.

I thought I would get a few exposures tonight, and take advantage of the high pressure system over the UK. I might have a crack at Orion in the morning, as it's been rising over the front of the house about 4am chasing Jupiter.



Perseus: The Double Cluster

More precisely, NGC869 and NGC 884. An excellent target for my ST80, and the best thing I managed to observe tonight. I started off by continuing to work my way through Turn Left At Orion for the Autumn season, there seemed to be quite a few clusters and double stars that required either dark skies or a bigger telescope than the ST80, I attempted a couple of the double stars but could not see them, possibly hampered by atmospheric conditions (high haze?) M34 was my first real success, an open c



Not a bad night

28th Sept Hi all was out last night as clear skies where on the cards,and a wanted to see what i've missed over the last few days Cassiopeia caph as 2 great cluster ngc7789,and 7790 to the left,just under them is ngc129,189,225,nery small and not very bright move in down to ruchbar ,is m103 not hard to miss meduim brightness,also a few small clusters 32mm/18mm ep ngc 436,457 the last star as a few more nut did not look.just sweeping around Cas theirs loads of great star fields of all colors




yes! my fav const is back! but this time I got a 4" refractor telescope!!! ... I just realised it is 4am and that there are quite a few double stars to split in orion. had a go at rigel and mintaka and alnitak. not much luck as was inside through double glazing...will have to go outside on a proper session when better prepared.



drawing m33,shedir

http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-sketches-unconventional/157218-drawing-m33-shedir.html#post1962551 i posted it in this section of sgl please take a look thanks



missed opportunities

last night was the first clear night in days and I have been ill. I am hoping the clouds will lift for next weekend as I am away for work all week and will be fishing in the week so stargazing is the activity of choice on my return.



It doesn't get better than this!

Saturday, September 24th / 2011 (9:00 - 11:00pm) Actually this star session started in the late afternoon when I went through my second collimation (aligning my primary and secondary mirrors so the image being seen comes out crystal clear). This time, it was much easier and I was able to finish it in 20 minutes. I was extremely surprised when I stepped outside since the night greeted me with a very comfortable 10 ºC or if you prefer, 50 ºF. There was no wind and everything was q



Update 383+ and the mac..

Progress has slowed due to both the new job and getting engaged :eek: However I'd thought I'd give an update none-the-less :D Within the limits of NDAisms.. The development is progressing steadily. After spending time working through the Artemis library sources, I now have the basic building blocks in place. Firstly the firmware now downloads to the camera and I'm currently integrating with ATIK's library. It's a bit like changing the strawberry jam in a victoria sponge cake to blackberry. Then



my roman coins for sale

hi all want to sell/ swap my roman coins i found over the years with the club i used to be in ,i had days out to lincoln and essex and no longer am into it any more they can be seen here if any one is intersted to swap or buy them so i can buy a new EP or swap a decent ep or what ever,i have a book on roman coins a can throw in with more info on the coins and what they worth ,i can not be bothered to put them on e bay cheers coins can be seen here http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/tod



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