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  1. A really bright comet. Need to keep our fingers crossed.
  2. I'm out looking at the partial eclipse now. No work tomorrow. On holiday in Cornwall and have no kit other than a camera with 80mm lens. Can still see the Shadow clearly when you crop down. Looks fine with the naked eye too so not too worried about forgetting g bins.
  3. Very sad news. I have had some great views through a 20" David Lukehurst scope. I had never met him but a big loss to the community
  4. Fantastic. Always amazes me the detail that can be achieved.
  5. Just seen it my 5" mak. Really faint. Accidentally nudged the scope and couldn't find it again. Think the sky misted a bit.
  6. Great image. Saw that with a 16" from a dark site. Obviously nothing close to that detail but still good to see.
  7. I'm wondering if my 10" scope will pick it up from badly polluted area (bortle 8). I am going to Cornwall on Monday to a dark area on the west coast. That would be ideal but forecast is rain all week.
  8. Just enough clear patches in the cloud to see it. Used my bins. Should have grabbed my camera too.
  9. Saw it at Kielder star camp over the weekend. Luckily somebody had a 20" dob to look at it with.
  10. 25" obsession. I need to ignore that storage and transportation would be a pain.
  11. I can have breaks of 6 months without using the scope. I still read books, watch astro TV programmes etc. I've in very light polluted area and more often than not it's the next star party that gets me draggi g the Scope out again (or a decent comet, well placed planet at opposition etc)
  12. Had a hint of them in m51 with my old 8". Easier in my 10" and getting good in a 12". All from bortle 3. Had a quick glimpse before clouds hit in a 18". Obviously great in that! Not sure how good my eyes are.
  13. Martin McKenna on FB got into storm chasing and does both.
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