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Pompey Monkey

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    Astronomy, cycling, science.
  • Location
    Hampshire, UK

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  1. Fantastic - you always seem to be pushing what the "amateur" imager can achieve. Also @ollypenrice's comment is probably as close as he ever gets to being speechless. High praise indeed!
  2. I bought myself a very good second-hand inspection lamp. I couldn't resist using it to enhance my processing tomfoolery 🤣
  3. Credit to Octo from B3ta.com (Warning, the whole site should be considered NSFW lol)
  4. Yes, please post the image. Your console output says. "limiting to the 8 brightest stars" When I plate solve in PI, it usually finds thousands of stars. I don't think eight is sufficient to find a valid and unique solution!
  5. Definitely go for new usb cables. But don't go cheap! This is part of the problem. The cables don't need to be expensive, just good. I'd recommend Lindy.
  6. If it's on the internet, it WILL get copied and used whatever licence terms you think you have arranged. What licencing model did bahtinov use for his research and idea? Why are you upset? What are you really losing here?
  7. Maybe, by supporting the core of the area, could it expand as the perimeter residents realise the benefits? ... I'm way too idealistic \o/
  8. Forty+ years ago, I would go to the Portsmouth central library and borrow/read as many books on astronomy as I could get my hands on! Apart from the inspiration to build telescopes, I came across an Apple computer magazine with a rudimentary sky simulator program written in Apple basic. I converted this program into Sinclair Basic, which was not always trivial... ... but the real work was typing in the coordinates, magnitudes, and names, of as many of the stars from the library copy of the Flamsteed catalogue. I do not recall if it was the lack of memory on My ZX Spectrum, the lack of will-power, or my own teenage smelly funk that made me give up at about 1/3 of the way through. But the conversion did work!
  9. This will get you started: Google search results :) I'm pretty sure you will learn a lot. I do understand that when you are new to a hobby, you don't even know what to search for to begin looking! I've been there, and I'll be there again. lol.
  10. What part of the EM spectrum? gamma-rays? x-rays? visible? microwave? VLF etc.?
  11. Just remember that although your filters are parfocal, it is very unlikely that the rest of your imaging train is too. Any curved bit of glass has the potential to slightly change the focus at different wavelengths. Yes, for the best results, you should refocus at every filter change. In practice, due to atmospheric seeing and the sampling resolution of your equipment, you might not notice any difference if you just focus for lum every so often.
  12. I've done that and I've watched you do it too. It is a satisfying process in itself. However, without the luxury of time that a well situated observatory provides, platesolving is a fantastic tool to increase the total integration time over a session. Particularly if switching between multiple targets.
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