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  1. How good is your night sky? I have a 200p. On a good night, the 6mm is super. On a bad night, sometimes not even an 8mm will do it. I've been very lucky in that my 10mm and 25mm that came with the 'scope weren't bad at all. I've used an 8mm BST and it was lovely. The 5mm BST would be too much for planets most of the time (although it's great on the moon).
  2. Me too, very sparkly!
  3. Looking at the replies, I got a bit confused with the "within budget' of the title! Whose budget?!
  4. As long as you were still pulling your weight.
  5. Well done! I'd put this with the 'Lost my MOJO' threads! I think the answers are probably quite similar. For me, when our three came, I just eased off until there was a bit more free time. Once they were old enough, I got them interested as much as possible, until they found their own interests. I've backed off again recently due to work and being too tired to observe late into the nights. Interestingly, at the moment, I spend more time observing with the children in school than at home! I'm sure I will become more active when I have the time.
  6. I'll assume the smiley face is missing from that remark! If the 'scope had been available, we'd have found a way (and it certainly wouldn't have involved renting a van!).
  7. Indeed. They have always been a bit of a niche market. As Xilman said, not sure why they weren't offered on here. I'd never say no to a free 'scope for school. Not sure how we'd have got it down from Macclesfield!
  8. Not lost, just temporarily misplaced, a bit like my marbles!
  9. That sounds like the Autostar, rather than the ‘scope then. Are you able to update the handset?
  10. Hello, have you had the ‘scope long? If there any whirring of motors? If you then press the cursor keys, I’m assuming nothing happens. If you loosen the locking mechanisms, can you slew the ‘scope around? If it finished up against one of the stops, it might be what’s causing the problem. I have an ETX90 and stripped it down when I had a problem without much trouble. Weasner’s Might ETX Site is still live, though inactive. It is a mine of useful info. 😊
  11. But not much good a mowing the grass, judging by that scythe.
  12. As a 'finder' I've had no problem using mine to star hop to the Vale before popping in the other EP with the filter.
  13. Still got my 32mm Panaview. Yep, soft round the edges, always was, always will be. If your budget will stretch to the UFF, then go for it. I've never been disappointed with the Panaview, no nostalgia here. But then I've never bought an EP as expensive as the UFF!
  14. Sorry, picture's a bit huge! On my 8" dob (and the 10" that this picture is from), I have a cover that fits the top of the tube. The offset is a hole covered by a cap (top left) that reduces the diameter of the 'scope and is offset from the centre to avoid the 2° mirror. You'll basically be replicating this, but with a cover that fits over the diameter of the tube and with a smaller, offset, hole covered with the solar film. As I said above, I'd make it bigger than the one in the picture, to fill the space between the spider vanes. The one I've made for my 8" dob, to cover the hole in the cover is too small really. The full size ones I've made for my 90mm and a 150mm in school are much better.
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