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If IKEA made telescopes


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Anybody good at jigsaw puzzles?

The mount is finally back from the powder coater, and is looking very good. Hope I don't ding it when assembling.

The obsy is getting there, the drive motors work well, many thanks to Skybadger for his input on these, the secret is that there are two matched motors 180 degrees appart on the ring.

Electrics and computer will be done tomorrow, then I'm nearly there, I think. (I might be premature on that though)

I recently bought an old EQ5 with Ioptron motors off ebay, sold for a song because the all important handset was missing. Guess what, my Sitech controller works a dream with the motors and rotary encoders on the mount. This way, I've got to learn how the control software works at least, and I've got a portable rig for very little money.

I'm thinking ahead now to collimating the scope. Having never owned a Newtonian, I'm a bit scared.





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I'm thinking ahead now to collimating the scope. Having never owned a Newtonian, I'm a bit scared.


Huw there are plenty of online collimation sites. Important thing is set-up the secondary first before putting the primary in the OTA.

May I say this project is looking just a little TOO GOOD :grin: :grin: :grin:

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May I say this project is looking just a little TOO GOOD :grin: :grin: :grin:

Thanks, it might look too good in print, but from over here, I can tell you that it's forwards one step, backwards two.

I'm on the second version of the dome shutters, the original were wood, and far too heavy.

I'm on the second version of the upright weather seal around the dome, the original was as much good as the watertight compartments on the Titanic.

And I'm already thinking of version 3 of the focuser.

Other mistakes are yet waiting to be discovered.


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  • 1 month later...

One large step closer, obsy is now weather tight, and the electrics done. But more importantly, the mount is assembled, and the fork arms balanced, it spins with the slightest touch, and rotates very smoothly, very happy with it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Mk III focuser is in progress, hopefully with the lessons learned from the Mk II will work this time.

Used a sight tube with crossed threads to roughly collimate the secondary, and a Catseye collimation kit ordered from FLO

As always, more to come.






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One step closer, the focusser Mk III is made, and appears to work well. I've got around the twisting on the Mk II by using a pair of roller bearings against the flat machined into the barrel of the Wynne Corrector, (as seen in 21a).

Also the square cage that holds the pair of roller cages has now been machined from a box section rather than the four pieces of the previous, much stiffer, the Mk II sagged under the load of the imaging train.

I've managed to get a fair stab at collimation, but a star test will tell the truth. First light is getting closer, prepare for cloud






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Looking really good Huw - it will be even better once you get a few chips in paint, an bits of insulation tape here an there... (like everyone else's :grin: ) only joking. Good luck with first light.

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It's in, it was a tricky operation getting it into the obsy, and onto the fork, but it made it with no major miss-haps. I'd collimated it on the bench, (well the dinner table), and it seems to have held, time will tell.

Lots still to do, balance weights to be adjusted, cables need dressing, and polar alignment need fine tuning. But the mount motors and opto encoders have been tuned, should slew to a few minutes of arc, well again that's the theory.



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It's not deep space, it's not even very sharp, BUT IT'S AN IMAGE :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: , things can only get better.

I've had an evening to take stock. First of all, just seeing the scope pan about at 5 degrees a second was wonderful.

I've got a problem with play in the spring loaded dec drive which needs fixing. But on the positive side, guiding works a treat. Stars are not exactly round, but not too bad for first light.

Sitting here with a large glass of something very alcoholic...



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  • 1 month later...

This is kind of first light. I've drift aligned the mount, but I'm not sure if it's accurate enough. Performing a three star align in Sitech, and then pointing at the crescent in their star map put it on the ccd, not quite centred, but close enough.

This is a crop, and full frame., 7x10 minutes, Starlight Express H35R, Astronomik Ha filter.

Collimation is still off, the strange star shapes reported above were down to too tight edge clips on the primary. I'm not sure if the star trailing is rotation, or misalignment of the optical train. Time will tell.

After all, if it worked perfectly on first light, where would the fun be!




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As a beginner, we are at different ends of the learning curve. I have enjoyed reading through this thread and seeing how your project has progressed. Incredible work and great initial results. I can only wish you all the best in working through the minor issues and I am certain you will get some stunning results. Congratulations!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Well done Sir, truly you are the master and many of us are not worthy! Most of my ideas get as far as the blue sky stage, some even make it as far as a detailed diagram, typically with something alcoholic to hand before being shelved, then binned. It's been an interesting journey that you've taken us on, no go grab and post more images!

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