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Problems with TIFFS and Photoshop!

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Sorry guys, back again! Wasn't going to, honest.:) I do feel I'm monopolising this section somewhat.

I can't get most options when processing TIFFs in Photoshop, not even to create a duplicate layer. It's all greyed out. I can use curves and levels and some others but most aren't available.

What am I doing wrong?


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The older versions of Photoshop did have reduced functions available for 16 bit images.

This is similar to the reduced functionality in CS5 when you load a 32bit file. Reducing 32bit > 16bit allows all of the normal functions to become available (in CS5).

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Sadly, I too have PS7 and that was the last version to work with 8 bit data on most functions.

I gather from the threads on this and other sites that changing to a later version will be well worth the expense. (still saving)

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What version of Photoshop are you using Alex ? that implies it's a copy of Elements.

I was using PS7 if memory serves me correctly.

I just wish things like DSS and Registax supported NEF, wouldn't need to mess around with daisy chain conversions.

I'm currently using View NX 2 to convert my raws to 16-Bit TIFFs, then I'm using GiMP2.0 to open them into 8-Bit format, work on them there and save to JPG high quality. I also like to use PNGs too but some versions of IE don't render the colours correctly (which I discovered recently working on a web project.)

Thankfully DSS opens my TIFFs after View NX conversion, however Registax just spits an error at me and throws all sorts of memory faults before deciding it's going to down tools and stop altogether because the size of my files are too large, scaling them down seems like a massive waste of my cameras resolution!

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It's PS 7. I could use another file format like AlexB suggests. Can anyone advise on the type? JPEGs compress too much don't they?

Unless I've read this thread incorrectly, I think the upshot is to upgrade your Photoshop version (as I will be doing also!)

The other thing you might try to do, if you want to work with TIFFs is to download GiMP 2 for free, a number of the standard features found within Photoshop are in GiMP aswell (obviously losing some colour depth information going from 16bit to 8bit.)

Give it a try :)

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All my images are processed in Ps7. I would upgrade but have other priorities. You just have to think about doing certain things in 16 bit first before dropping to 8.


Agree, I often do as much as I can in ViewNX before pushing it out to a TIFF.

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I usually just duplicate the layer and work on that so Photoshop offers to make the necessary conversion for you with a simple "Yes" submission - then I remerge the layers as I see fit.

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