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in awe of the 300p and good collimation

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just managed to get a few hours with the 12 inch dob in the back garden. Or should I say, through the shed doors. I didn't leave the scope to cool , just ran the rear fan. I had a look at the moon. Superb if a little bright:D. I used the new baader filter and it gave the moon a nice neutral tone.

I noticed on higher powers, Televue 7mm and supplied 10mm that it was hard to focus, with mountain ridges and craters having a triple image.

I had collimated with the hotech first. I have the 1.25 inch model and to be honest I find it hard to use. I though I had it spot on but found the laser hard to get centered in the eyepiece holder. It seems to be much more prone to movement than the 2" version, although I do not have this model to try. Can anyone confirm?

Anyway the secondary mirror was off a fair bit (the hotech hadn't been pushed totally flush with the focuser first time) so I redid it.

WOW what a difference. The craters on the lunar surface were now razor sharp, with both hi power EP's

Feeling pumped, I had a swipe at Saturn. It was low in the sky with some light pollution. But again awesome. I had never seen the planet like this. In my ETX it was pretty, but just like a line with a buldge in the middle. Well with the 300p. It was sharp as a diamond. I could see 3 moons easily. Swapped in the televue and after a bit of eye manouvering, I could see the ring shadow on the planet and the gap, plus 1, possibly 2 cloud bands. I looked at it for abut 40 minutes, simply marvelous:) I mean it would make ya weep.

I manged to get the 7mm barlowed with just a basic Meade 2x barlow. Again looked great, just a bit shakey as I was using hand control only.

Tried to get an image with the DSLR but not so successful. Will try with the web cam next time.

So for any newbies out there getting a bit disheartened, stick with it as one or two views like this make it all worthwhile.

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that sums things up quite nicely :( , glad to see you had some great views with the new scope :)

I think I was just a bit put off at first. Mainly due to my ignorance and the weather. This forum has been great though, super help and support. I also couldn't find very much in the sky, but hopefully with the new rigel quikfinder, it will be easier.

Also a dark sky site must be just magical.

Attached a pic of the moon with the dob and D5000 Nikon


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for me there's nothing better than a large dob and top quality eyepieces. someone told me this a while back (Doc (Mick) I think) and he was spot on. I have used a few different scopes but I always come back to my 12" dob - only to be replaced with a larger dob if I can get the funds together (and stop buying eyepieces!).

glad you are enjoying it!

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So for any newbies out there getting a bit disheartened, stick with it as one or two views like this make it all worthwhile.

I can't wait, apparently we're due clear skies in our area tonight. :)

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I thought my 10" Dob needed re collimating when I took a look at the moon and like you I had similar slight blurring on craters and mountain peaks. I discovered that the scope just needed to cool down. An hour later was crystal sharp.


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I thought my 10" Dob needed re collimating when I took a look at the moon and like you I had similar slight blurring on craters and mountain peaks. I discovered that the scope just needed to cool down. An hour later was crystal sharp.


Ah right,that may have been a good part of the problem too, as I just opened the shed doors and pretty much had a look, about half an hour later, the view was great. This was just after I had re-collmated. The mis-collimation maybe didn't have much effect

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I thought my 10" Dob needed re collimating when I took a look at the moon and like you I had similar slight blurring on craters and mountain peaks. I discovered that the scope just needed to cool down. An hour later was crystal sharp.


Spot on, once it's cooled down WHAM! crystal clear.

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