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A good result for your first go. Next time, look at the first sub carefully and if the camera needs re-centring - do it.

Your guiding (if it was guided) is not brilliant and that small amount of drift that makes the stars oval really destroys any chance you have of getting the gas detail to record.

An excellent foundation to build on.


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thanks for the kind commemts guys

this is one single image unstacked taken with an unmodded dslr,i just tweaked the saturation etc on photoscape.

i dont understand all this flats/subframes etc but i would dearly like to get some quality snaps someday,i reall am enjoying the learning curve though

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Very nice pic. What equipment did you use

hi jnc71106

i have a unmodded panasonic lumix G2 dslr and a skywatcher skyliner 250p flextube auto.

i know my setup isnt the best for astro photography but i am enjoying the learning curve.

i will upgrade to a better setup in the future to get better results,im just taking little baby steps just now to see what can be achieved.

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thanks for the kind commemts guys

this is one single image unstacked taken with an unmodded dslr,i just tweaked the saturation etc on photoscape.

i dont understand all this flats/subframes etc but i would dearly like to get some quality snaps someday,i reall am enjoying the learning curve though[/QUOE]

Great first effort, I am one step behind you at the moment but have just bought and read "Making Every Photon Count" which can be bought Here. It explains a lot of things , including darks lights flats and bias frames in a way in which an absolute beginner , (like myself), can understand :)

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thanks for the kind commemts guys

this is one single image unstacked taken with an unmodded dslr,i just tweaked the saturation etc on photoscape.

i dont understand all this flats/subframes etc but i would dearly like to get some quality snaps someday,i reall am enjoying the learning curve though[/QUOE]

Great first effort, I am one step behind you at the moment but have just bought and read "Making Every Photon Count" which can be bought Here. It explains a lot of things , including darks lights flats and bias frames in a way in which an absolute beginner , (like myself), can understand :)

thanks for the link

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