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Barlow Lens - daft question but............

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Guys, this will sound really stupid, but I just received my 18mm & 12mm eyepieces and a barlow 2x lens. The problem is that on opening the barlow i have absolutely no idea how to use it and how it is supposed to fit into the telescope and how the eyepieces fit into the barlow. i know this will sound ridiculous to you but could someone help please. You have probably guessed, but I need really simple explanations!!

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The barlow lens goes in between the eyepiece and the scope. So it's:

Eye > eyepiece > barlow lens > scope

The barlow lens has a barrel the same diameter as the eyepiece and fits into the scope in the same way. The eyepiece should fit into the end of the barlow and is held in place by a little screw.

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Yay for (terrible) photos!

An empty focuser:


An EP with no Barlow


A Barlow. Note how the business end of the Barlow is exactly the same size as the empty focuser.


An EP in a Barlow. The Barlow is now fitted into the focuser just as you would fit an EP. You can now fit your EP into the Barlow.


Make sure you tighten the screws so nothing falls out!

The final result:


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And finally, just in case there are those of you just starting out, who may have a diagonal with a refractor, if you place the Barlow ahead of the diagonal, you will increase the mag by a further 50% or thereabouts, ie 3X will become 4.5X etc, most useful if have only two eye pieces.

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That may still work.....

If the 1.25" adaptor is removed from the focuser, (hopefully the "hole" left is 2"!??) the barlow inserted, then the 1.25" adaptor fitted to the end of the barlow, then finally the 1.25" eyepiece inserted.....

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