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Maxim DL scope control?


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Is anybody using Maxim DL for controlling the scope? I currently use Starry Night Pro via EQMOD on my EQ6. SN is a bit complicated and resource hungry so I'm thinking of giving Maxim a go since its also controlling the camera. Any opinions on Maxim for scope control, or things to be aware of?

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Yes, though using ASCOM POTH as an interface layer to do the dome slaving -- wasn't very impressed with MaxIm's dome slaving interface.

MaxIm is fine for driving the telescope, but the planetarium aspects are many years behind the likes of TheSky/Stellarium. It all works -- just doesn't look as pretty.

The "zoom" view feature is significantly more useful once you've installed GSC catalogues and you can see all stars down to ~14th.

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I partly use MaximDL for telescope control via EQMod. I say partly as I normally use C du C for choosing objects to align on or image but I use MaximDL's centring feature to perfectly centre my alignment star before I issue a 'Sync' then I use it to get the framing I want by clicking on a the part of the object that I want in the exact centre of the FOV. I have used the MaximDL database to select objects and it works well but C du C is so much more intuitive.

Remember that EQMod has its own ASCOM hub so two (or more) ASCOM devices/programs can control the mount and share positional data.

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Another vote for Cartes Du Ceil here. I just wish I'd found it before I upgraded my SN from 5 to 6 to try to improve the EQMod relaibility (which it didn't!).


PS thanks for that tip on centring Steve!

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Thanks for the info. Must look at the centring function, that looks useful compared to my 'do it by eye' technique. Also will investigate POTH - I've come across it before but not really sure what it does, but I am slowly increasing the USB load on the computer: imaging camera, guide cam, focusser, mount, gamepad....filter wheel if it ever turns up! I've never really got into CdC. I get confused when trying to find objects. In SN you can drag the starfield around and zoom in/out with the mouse. Always found CdC a bit difficult in that respect.

Helen, when you said you had EQMOD reliability problems with SN, what sort of problems where they?

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It was cutting out sometimes with me. Chris (from EQMod) said something like the SN coding was not always to ASCOM standards and so could cause problems. C du C has been much more robust for me. Like you though, I found SN more intuative. You can drag around, but you must first unlock the chart (under the Window command). The centre scroll button on the mouse will zoom in and out, and if you hold it down you can 'grab' the chart and drag it. (If someone can tell me how to get the equivalent functionality with a laptop touchpad with only 2 buttons I'd be grateful!!!)


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Thanks for that. One of the reasons I've been looking at alternative scope control is the occasional loss of scope control comms with SN & EQMOD, described here: http://stargazerslounge.com/equipment-help/127801-eqmod-comms-lost.html Although yesterday I ran it indoors for 8 hours without a problem! I was suspecting a cable or problem with the cold weather.

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Another vote for Maxim and ASCOM here, although it is for guiding that Maxim connects.

I use TheSky6 for the planetarium and slew control, as it interfaces with CCD Commander for the orchestration.

So, what centering feature is this? I use the cross-hairs on the image to centre the star.....

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So, what centering feature is this?
I've just had a play with Maxim. Using the simulators, I connected and slewed to an object with "Expose after slew" set. I then right clicked on the image (a bit away from the centre) and found "Point telescope here" as an option. Clicked it and the scope moved a bit. (Dummy image doesn't changed of course).

Could that be it? If so that's jolly useful.


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Not sure if it's the same as Steve is meaning, but I use a very nice feature in MaxIm which allows you to centre up based on a pinpoint plate solve. Once you've taken an image, run pinpoint solve on it (make sure it gets a sensible result!) and then you can "sync" the telescope to the solved position, and reslew it to exactly where you wanted. Very useful.

Equally cool is the "point telescope here" feature. You right click on where you want the image centre to be, and select "point telescope here"... You need to calibrate it once per session, and I find it's best to calibrate using the pinpoint solve.

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