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First attempts at Jupiter


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Hey all,

After seeing a break in the clouds this evening, I decided to try out my new SPC900. I have heard that using one for planetary work with a reflector is not ideal, but I wanted to give it a try nevertheless.

So please bear in mind this is my first webcam, registax and sharpcap use and offer any advice you want.

Personally I am just overjoyed at producing a disc with colour, oh and I also managed to get my goto to keep it in the centre of the screen. Now there is a rewarding first!!!!







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Thanks for the compliments guys, can I ask a couple of questions?

How do zoom in closer on the object? I think this is with a barlow but when I tried with my skywatcher one I couldn't focus down enough. Could this be because its a rubbish one and can anyone recommend one if thats what I need...? :)

Also I hear people on here talking about exposures on the webcam eg 1/125 and I dont know how to do that? All I can seem to find when filming is fps which incidentally I would also like to know which to use. I couldn't work out the difference between 10fps and 30!



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You need a barlow... I'm surprised you can't get focus with it, unless the focus point has moved to far inwards or outwards for the focuser travel, perhaps you need a better barlow.

As for shutter speed and frame rate, the SPC900 being USB1 has to compress the data when you push the frame rate beyond 15, so try to not go any higher than that. I had my best results at 10.

What capture software are you using ? It sounds like either you need to look at something else, or see about changing the default configuration, which may be partially on auto exposure.

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It seems the focus point has moved too far in. The barlow is a terrible one that came with my first refractor so it could be that...

Would something like this be the right thing:


Thanks for the tip about the compressing, I didn't know that. I am currently using SharpCap it is quite easy to understand. The webcam worked with it without drivers and I have no icon on the task bar that I have heard other people use to control the auto settings.

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Very nice results and looks like your asking the right questions, you can use eyepiece projection if you don't have good barlows, its a unit that fits over a low fl eyepiece and the SPC900 fits in the end and the gap between eyepiece top and sensor gives a power/magnification increase. With any of these things you have to find focus which is tricky.


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At least you captured the moons using the webcam - even when clear in my 10mm EP when I switch to the SPC900 and refocus I only get Jupiter itself - never seem to be able to see the moons no matter how I adjust the capture settings on SharpCap.

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Very nice results and looks like your asking the right questions, you can use eyepiece projection if you don't have good barlows, its a unit that fits over a low fl eyepiece and the SPC900 fits in the end and the gap between eyepiece top and sensor gives a power/magnification increase. With any of these things you have to find focus which is tricky.


Thanks John, where could I buy one of these EP to webcam adapters?

At least you captured the moons using the webcam - even when clear in my 10mm EP when I switch to the SPC900 and refocus I only get Jupiter itself - never seem to be able to see the moons no matter how I adjust the capture settings on SharpCap.

Hey steve have you tried adjusting the gain and exposure both too the max? They appear in live view okay but much better after stacking.

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Hello Adam, eyepiece projection is cheaper than quality Barlows, I have a unit I never use but live in Australia now so post is too expensive. I got mine from Scopenskies but they have stock/delivery problems so its best to avoid S+S. Opticstar seem to have few diferent types reasonably priced for you to look at.


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whenever i look at jupiter, i see it with its moons, but i only see it as in the 3rd pic shown, yellow light sort of colour is this because the others were taken with ir filter, and the 3rd not? or is it just to do with cam settings?

They all had a IR filter on them. The third image gives you an idea of what its like if you crank up the gain and exposure loads on the software settings :)

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