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Replacing stock equipment?

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Hi everyone

At the end of the month I finally get to order my scope (should have been last friday :)) I have already decided to replace the finderscope with a red dot finder but is there anything else?

The diagonal springs to mind


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Personally, I'd play with it for a while before thinking about it otherwise you're just buying bits for the sake of it. I thought about changing the finder as well but I ended up keeping the stock one but adding a telrad next to it. In the end all I've really changed so far is the allen bolts for bob's nobs on the secondary and I have bought a 2" focuser but I've not got round to fitting it yet since not having 2" eyepieces does make it less pressing though it is a better bit of kit.

Use it with stock parts and that way you know what bits you can live with and what you want changing.

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If you didn't get the finderscope replaced yet, maybe consider keeping the optical finder and add a telrad or a rigel instead. The circles are more helpful then a single dot when starhoping as they allow you to measure distances to the surrounding stars.

A dew shield is a must with SCTs, a red light torch and a decent star atlas such as Pocket Sky Atlas. Those are all the "must have" accessories I can think of.

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I agree with parus major, use it for a while first, you will get a feel for anything that needs improvement, most likely your first decision will be eyepieces but you need to see through your scope first before buying anything. just noticed pvaz pointed out its an sct you will need a dewshield. make it out of camping mat its cheaper and better than the bought ones and agree about the torch as a must have.

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The circles are more helpful then a single dot when starhoping as they allow you to measure distances to the surrounding stars.

Thanks Paulo. Thats the perfect answer to a question i asked on another thread.

P.S.~~~you wont know what to replace until you use the scope for a couple of months. Dont replace things just for the sake of buying new kit. Thats a waste of money.

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Because I was planning around my bonus which was paying for the scope I'd already ordered the eyepieces lens shield and AC Adaptor.

I've a case full of Baader Hyperion 68deg which looks great but are only expensive large paperweights until the scope arrives.

I've also ordered the fine tuning rings for them and a set of collimation thumb screws from Bobs Knobs

I was only thinking about the diagonal in terms of the quality of the mirror

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The C925 is an expensive scope and I believe they won't ship it with a bad diagonal. Probably not the most expensive one, but on this things you usually get marginal improvements when comparing a good optic with an excellent one.

I would not spend more money 'till you try the stock one, but then again, it's not my money to spend. :)

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The diagonal that came with the 800 was only a 1.25". I upgraded to a 2" for a more solid mounting for large ep's, cameras, and binoviewers etc. And arguably more light throughput. I'd recommend the Celestron and/or the WO CF diags. :)

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