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Stargazer live (BBC) part 3


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I've just come here to ask this very question. Which telescope was it?

If it was the Faulkes Telescope they used, they said on the show that anyone can book time to use it, however on the website it says to have the be a teacher. The website I found did look a little different to the one that Dara was on, so maybe it was a different telescope... Any ideas?

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I've just come here to ask this very question. Which telescope was it?

If it was the Faulkes Telescope they used, they said on the show that anyone can book time to use it, however on the website it says to have the be a teacher. The website I found did look a little different to the one that Dara was on, so maybe it was a different telescope... Any ideas?

I was going to say the same thing, that it appears not 'anyone' can use it.

I did enjoy tonights show and was glad to see J. Ross answer his cwitics by becoming a little more serious about the whole thing in the studio.:eek:

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I looked forward to this 3rd and final one, it was having seen all 3, a pretty good set of shows overall. I was glad to see Jonathan Ross take the subject a little bit more seriously this time, I like a laugh as much a the next person but it does grate a bit if your trying to learn something and people keep larking about. It would be cool to get Mr Ross on this forum and help him out he needs all the help he can get from what he was saying.:D

It covered a great deal for such a big subject and the website does offer a lot more help as well. I thought Prof Brian Cox and Dara made good hosts for the show and the content was varied and interesting. The intrest it has generated can only be good for astronomy over all.

My stepdaughter wants to have a star gazing evening on saturday as a result of watching this so were all going over there set up the telescope and get out there observing might even invite the neighbours! So I say well done bbc lets have more of this please!:)

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i got my first scope for xmas and went out for my first proper viewing after watching the last episode of the show, i must say i found it quite helpful....especially when the weather girl at the end correctly forcasted the first clear skies in my area since xmas!

saw jupiter on my first viewing, was so pleased :)

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I thought it was quite good actually, they managed to pack quite a lot of content in. Here's hoping it gets more people interested.

i must say i found it quite helpful....especially when the weather girl at the end correctly forcasted the first clear skies in my area since xmas!

I think they should have a star gazing forecast every day! :)

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