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first light with the ST102


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Hi Guys,

This is first light with the ST102 - only just managed to get focus with the 300D - I need an extension tube or a 2" diagonal (both options being investigated).

One single frame. 30 seconds, ISO 1600, the setup was just thrown into the garden and then I started imaging, no polar alignment etc.

Quite pleased with the results... the CA isn't good but hopefully the fringe killer will help that!



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Very nice image Ant! You can really see the benefits of the ST102's huge field of view. Nice focus and detail too.

Was that with any filter? For instance did you use the Fringe Killer to cut down the CA?

And good to see someone is getting out and achieving something.


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No that was the 300D at prime focus - no filters...

The FOV is huge. I think that when I have the Skyglow filter and the Fringe killer in the light path things will improve no end. I cannot wait to mount this thing piggy back and then take some 2 or 3 minute subs with the LPR...

James, yeah the CA is pretty bad - but on that M31 shot there is only one star that is shows up on bad... So I can live with it! Especially as the Fringe Killer will help!


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You just have take the CA on the chin with the Startravel's. The fringe killer will help a bit and stacking the Fringe Killer with Neodumflumflingfluthingymejig can help a bit more. But there's no cure. Imaging just amplifies the problem sadly.

But there's stacks of targets that are just NOT affected by CA. As long as there's no really bright stars in the field of view, you're laughing.


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You just have take the CA on the chin with the Startravel's...

... there's no cure ...

But there's stacks of targets that are just NOT affected by CA ...

Thats been my experience too. 

The short tube Skywatcher refractors have CA so, if you are sensitive to CA (it tends to bother some more than others) then go for the longer tube models. 

Steve :)

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