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First M31 image


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This is my first attempt at guided deep sky imaging taken with my DSLR and 300mm lens.

Credits to Eagleseye for the use of his Astrotrac (thanks also for him operating this for me - in fact the images may be more his than mine!).

1 min exposures stacked using DSS, then endless fiddling with Photoshop. One day I hope to know what I'm doing.

Apart from the processing ineptitude, other notable flaws include poor focussing. Plenty to improve on then.

As a first dabble though, have to say I'm reasonably pleased - at least you can see what it is!

Thanks for looking.



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Hey 2H !

Re the focussing - I've changed my live view settings so the cam zooms in closer now which should help achieve a sharper focus. Well that's the theory anyway! Must have another go sometime when you can spare some Astrotrac air-time (I'll pray to the sky gods to keep the clouds at bay this time!).


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It's very good to me and your focus isn't far off to notice really . Looks just like the one i just posted that i took last Friday night with a XSi , 70-200mm f/4L . Actually when i focus i handhelt it and focused on Jupiter cause it's bright enough to detect cause i only use the center focus point when shooting manually . Anyway focus on Jupiter then switch the lens back to MF and then mount it on my scope and i don't touch the lens anymore . I use a remote for the shutter .

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