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What would be agood small table to set my telescope up?

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I want to have an SkyWatcher Heritage 130P, "mini dob" type. But the minidob is to be mounted on the top of a table or on the ground (I believe)...

So I was thinking if I buy it, I probably gonna need a small table to be the mount of my dob. Another tought would be to have the mini-dob on my lap, when I'm sitted down, but I don't know if that would be too shaky.

For the table, I found a lot of interessanting folding models, like this one:


Or maybe this type of table:

Product Image

Anyway, my only concern is that if it would be too shaky on a table? Or the table would be as good as a regular tripod?

I also tought on building one table, like this one:

Sky-Watcher 5" Collapsible Dobsonian Mount Telescope - Review

what do you guys think about it? any better idea?

Thank you all!!!!

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I would go for something solid. You will regret any mount that has the slightest "shakyness" even for a small scope. The most stable table is the tripod (a four legged table only ever has three legs on the ground at any moment in time - think about it for a while - it's true!!).

I suspect that something home made would be the way to go for both cheapness and solidity.

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When observing from home I use two chairs from the kitchen (surely chairs from the dining room would be no good!). One for the scope and one for me. The height suits me very nicely then.

edit: I think balancing it on the lap would be a rather frustrating experience.

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I used a table top telescope for 20+ years ... a Meade 2045LX3 102mm SCT. You need a very sturdy table or vibration will drive you nuts. You also need something to take with you as sturdy tables are difficult to find in the woods and park rangers seem to put park tables underneath trees.

Cheap solution ... by an cheap unfinished wood bar stool with a round seat without any contours for the rear and cut the legs down. A three legged stool is best but difficult to find.

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I would support what Bizibuilder has suggested, DIY tripod table, made to measure and of robust materials that will take apart or fold up for transportation, you can also take along a bag of sand or weight to suspend from the middle to aid stability and a sheet of rubber to stop the scope base sliding about.

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