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Jupiter Bands


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Just seen my first glipse of jupiter and 3 of its moons am well happy.

Now, I can see in the centre of jupiter its darker than the outside, is this the cloud effect of the gas or is it just us being imaginative? (using 10x50 binoculars).

Cheers all

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Hi Toadeh, Jupiter is great at the moment. I looked again on friday at 9.50pm and was amazed to catch 3 moons in a perfect line to the south west - I was so gobsmaked I got the misses to have a look too, her exclamation "Wow" said it all!

You must have some dark skies around you, I'm using 15x70's and cannot make out any detail at all, just a bright orb which appears to be slightly squshsed and bigger around its middle - not as distinct as Saturn whose rings give the same effect but greater.

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Its not too bad in the back garden, there isn't any street lights near by and there not bad lights round here (point down with covers over, not like loads of light spilling up). As a rule I can always make out the bigger constalations in the back.

It was distinct bands, it was obviouse it was darker in the middle though. Just had a quick look and there is a fair few moons around today.

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Hi All....

It´s the same effect as using a grey filter on the moon.

The slight drop in brightness helps me distinguish more detail in bright Jupiter

that would otherwise drown in the glare.

When watching the gas giant through the 10" I use a grey filter and get better results as I don´t get blinded by the planets brightness....

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