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Hi all

My "new" 9mm Type 1 Nagler arrived yesterday and I thought that I would put it with the rest of the clan for a family portrait.


I would like to say that the family is complete, but none of us are that naive. There is certainly room for a 35mm Panoptic, or the ultimate, a 31mm Type 5 Nagler. With money tight and getting tighter the family will be complete for some time.

Thanks for looking.

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Nice! The 9T1 is a real classic.

To be honest I wouldn't be too quick to think about swapping out that 27Pan, cracking eyepiece and (having owned both) I reckon both of your alternatives have negatives as well as positives. 13E would be on my wishlist instead, but that's for another thread maybe.... :)

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fab collection! as you may be able to tell, I'm a TV fan too!

I 'always' think I have my perfect set up and then I start to think again :(

The 27mm Panoptic is one I am considering as my 'home' wide field finder (where LP is an issue and a darker sky would benefit me) and against the 26mm T5 Nagler. I think I'll always retain my 35mm Panoptic as the 31mm Nagler is so heavy, although that said, I can always balance my 12" dob.

I've just bought a 22mm Panoptic to compare with a borrowed 20mm T5 Nagler in the knowledge I can always sell the Panoptic again if the Nagler wins. but then what about a T4 22mm Nagler and oh, the Ethos collection (does it ever stop!!??). ;)

The best thing about TV and other good quality (but I feel especially TV) is that you can sell them for what you paid and just pay the postage as the rental charge.

BTW, if you prefer to use the 9mm in 2" mode, you can use the 28mm Hyperion tuning ring as a skirt extender. This is what I have done with my 13mm Ethos and will do with the 22mm Panoptic too. :icon_salut:

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One track televue mind = television

Obsession with televue = telemania


my latest arrived today - 22mm Panoptic (which incidentally does not have threads to allow the use of an extension on the 2" skirt so maybe you Nagler 9 doesn't??). it's a stunner. I am determined to keep to six eyepieces though (seven at most) and it's a one in one out policy - always edging toward the next Ethos!

seriously though they are great eyepieces to buy used as you rarely lose money and you can buy one, save a bit more, buy the next and sell the other etc ongoing. unfortunately very few of us have the dosh to just splash out and buy our dream set on day one! :icon_salut:

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So how would you compare the TV plossl to the standard SWsuper plossl, and then say the GSO plossl... How do the Meade 5000 SWA/UWA compare to TV??

Is there that much difference?

And what is the difference between the TV's...IE T1 or T6 etc?

Thanks Guys

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So how would you compare the TV plossl to the standard SWsuper plossl, and then say the GSO plossl... How do the Meade 5000 SWA/UWA compare to TV??

Is there that much difference?

And what is the difference between the TV's...IE T1 or T6 etc?

Thanks Guys

to be honest I have never tried the other plossls so in truth the others may be as good or very close at least to the TVs, but others say that the TVs are very high quality with few exceptions being not as sharp or contrasty.

I bought my TV plossl as a cheaper option to a Radian while I save for a 10mm Ethos but it is really a superb eyepiece which I will probably keep to be honest as it's so light and useable.

the differences between different types (this really only applies to Naglers) is the designs are different and this makes certain features such as eye relief, size and weight etc different - in theory the newer versions are 'better' but some have completely different characteristics.

this page Tele Vue Optics: Nagler gives some background.

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I have looked through a 13mm ethos.... and WOW.

I had to be tied down, I almost fell in the thing :icon_salut:

I've seen through a 17mm Ethos, this was used on an 11" SCT and it was mind blowing. I can only imagine in a fast newt you would have to climb inside to see the entire field of view.:(

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