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Can anybody tell me if it is possible to see colours of Nebula using a Telescope with Filters. I have read there are filters that can give as good a view as you would get with Astrophoto. If so what filters are best for viewing DSO's and Planets

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Unfortunately filters work by blocking or absorbing light, so when used visually the image is always fainter...

There's no filters I know off which would "enhance" the visual observing of Nebula etc to show colour.



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If you are lucky and have very good eyesight then you might just see a bit of colour in the Orion nebula. I can see a slight pinkish tint on nights of good "seeing", but more often then not it is B&W as most nebs are.

Neb filters will only improve the contrast of nebs against the dark of the night sky. They wont show colour. The human eye simply can not process colour from objects so far away.

The only way to see colour in DSO's is by using a DSLR camera and taking many exposures and then stacking them.

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I may be wrong but suspect the claims of 'photographic quality visual images' leave out the vital 'but will still be monochrome'. there's no doubt though that filters like UHC and Oiii filters improve the ability to see some things, which otherwise might as well be invisible, in most scopes.

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You should see colours on solar system objects (mars, jupiter, etc) but as far as dso's go it's mostly doubles that can sometimes give hues of gold, red blue. Colours in nebulas only begin to emerge with scopes above 16" diameter and then only very faintly. Everything else tends to be grey smudges - nothing like astro pics in magazines, tv or the net.

Hope that helps ;)

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