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Christian Astronomy Books?


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There is nothing explicitly Christian (or Muslim, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or atheist for that matter) about astronomy or any other science.

If you're looking for a good astronomy book by a Christian, see if you can find a copy of "Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes" by Rev. T. W. Webb - first published in 1859 and clearly very dated from the theoretical point of view, but still as good an exposition of what can be seen with amateur telescopes as anything. Webb was a CoE parson (like lots of Victorian amateur astronomers & other natural scientists - they were reasonably well paid and had more free time than most people) who very clearly believed that "the heavens above declare the glory of God" but managed to avoid the pitfall of treating Genesis as a science textbook.

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I respect his view whether or not I agree with them. He shows a great interest in my hobby and I felt it would be nice to get him something to read on astronomy. I guess I'm asking in the wrong place!

Kevin, did I violate site rules by starting this topic, apologies if I did. But I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree on this site

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Surely he can read "something nice" on astronomy regardless of the faith of the author...?

Religion is not allowed on SGL.

I'm locking this thread now and it will be removed later today.


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