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First Jupiter of 2010!

Space Cowboy

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Cheers Karlo!

I've just realised that all 9 AVIs i took with Astrocapture are corrupt! Tried fixing with virtualdub but no luck...gutted as I'd got 2 moons on some of them. I updated astrocapture with the latest version 1.7-2-10 and this has happened. Seems to be a conflict with the RGB24 format. Thankfully I'd done 2 avis with craterlet else I would have been mortified!

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Cheers Karlo!

I've just realised that all 9 AVIs i took with Astrocapture are corrupt! Tried fixing with virtualdub but no luck...gutted as I'd got 2 moons on some of them. I updated astrocapture with the latest version 1.7-2-10 and this has happened. Seems to be a conflict with the RGB24 format. Thankfully I'd done 2 avis with craterlet else I would have been mortified!

I don't know whether the RGB format is corrupt, but I also had problems with my first wxAstrocapture stacks (in RGB). I since switched to YUV and have no problems

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What did you do to increase the image scale that big - barlow or EP projection...?

Looks like the GRS just showing itself, some nice detail in there - but boy doesn't it look weird without the second band?


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2 x barlow - that still an impressive size... I have a skymax 127 and I might consider getting up early tomorrow and having a go.

For the SPC900, you really need to have the Frame rate at 10FPS - or the software compresses automatically during capture.


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You want to know what I learnt very early on...?

Exactly the same happened to me! So everytime I capture an AVI (the last time was venus about 18 months ago), I make the first capture of the evening a short one (few hundred frames).

I then stack and align it in Registax and make sure it works OK.

Then I go on and take lots... Nothing worse than finishing a session and finding that all the data is corrupt!


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You want to know what I learnt very early on...?

Exactly the same happened to me! So everytime I capture an AVI (the last time was venus about 18 months ago), I make the first capture of the evening a short one (few hundred frames).

I then stack and align it in Registax and make sure it works OK.

Then I go on and take lots... Nothing worse than finishing a session and finding that all the data is corrupt!


That's exactly what i used to do too. :rolleyes:

Nice first image of the 2010 season.

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