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North America-Pelican widefield.


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Hi All,

Well despite the rain we have been out this week and bagged a few, of which this is the best one. This was taken with guest Richard Miller, the processing mine.

Tak FSQ85 at 328mm on EQ6 with Atik 4000 mono in HaRGB. Ha was with Baader 7Nm, 2 hrs, colours 45 mins each unbinned. Ha applied as 10% lum and 50% to red in blend mode lighten. I really like that Baader filter. Highly recommended.

All the best,



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very nice capture and framing with some nice contrast :)

The background is a little to dark for me , but what do I know :icon_scratch:


For what its worth....

When I look at widerfield images of this pair I always see the Dark region between them as being a dense "dust cloud " with only the foreground stars showing... This ie easier to see if you look at the way the edges diffuse out above the Pelicans Head.. Thats why I think it is considerably darker than the very dense starfiled regions outside the nebs... which I see as being "space"...

So I'd say the processing is pretty much spot on :mad:


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For what its worth....

When I look at widerfield images of this pair I always see the Dark region between them as being a dense "dust cloud " with only the foreground stars showing... This ie easier to see if you look at the way the edges diffuse out above the Pelicans Head.. Thats why I think it is considerably darker than the very dense starfiled regions outside the nebs... which I see as being "space"...

So I'd say the processing is pretty much spot on :)


I too think the black stuff between the nebulae is the presence of something (sooty dust) rather than the absence of something (space.) The low star count seems to be the clincher for me. EE Barnard spent a lifetime debating with himself whether his dark nebulae were holes in space or blocking clouds.

I do tend to black clip and really tried not to do so here!


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its the edges of the "black" stuff that do it for me in particualr the effect on the background starfield and even the Nebulosity... which for me says it's infront of both...

I hope you dont mind Olly i think this crop from your pic shows this ...



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I agree its in front , but if you give it a little more of a stretch there is a bit more in the black stuff;)


Yup, noise!

(No, you may be right but the histogram was starting to look feathery so I called a halt.)

'T'is not alone, good mother, this inky cloak of solemn black...'

That's the trouble with Hamet; it's so full of quotations...


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Yup, noise!

'T'is not alone, good mother, this inky cloak of solemn black...'

That's the trouble with Hamet; it's so full of quotations...


And missing a litlle " l "... :)

To Paraphrase another of the Bards great works - the one I had to study for English lit...

If music be the food of love...

Turn the volume down....

I have a headache...


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Yup, noise!

(No, you may be right but the histogram was starting to look feathery so I called a halt.)

'T'is not alone, good mother, this inky cloak of solemn black...'

That's the trouble with Hamet; it's so full of quotations...


One mans poison :)


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One mans poison :)


Trouble is, this wasn't a Harry Page 200 hour marathon!! No, I take your point Harry. I did do a conservative stretch. I'm kind of trying to change my style a bit, leave a bit of noise in there and not clip the black. I get it in the neck quite a lot on the French forum for having over black skies and too 'hard' a look. They have a point. Besides, I'm an interloping Anglais so they are right to be suspicious, eh?


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Bit like politics this imaging thing

" You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time "

Look forward to seeing some more of your work as its to light here for a month or soo to do any work at the moment , so I will have to look at yours :)


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And after all that, Harry, I did try giving the sooty stuff an extra stretch and you were right! I did need to do some noise reduction on it but I think this version is indeed better. Cheers for the critique, as ever.



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Yep. The thing is, they seem to hate Neat Image in France so I was trying to avoid it. I don't think it has given the Vaseline On The Lens look here so I think we'll be okay...

Oh, the other reason I didn't stretch it more first time was because it was starting to flatten off the brighter stuff at the expense of cantrast and as the NAN can be a bit bland I was trying to keep it contrasty. In the second version only the soot is stretched further.


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a good debate going on here about black and white points. After you have finished processing the picture you can always do a temporary severe stretch like moving the white point to level 10 or the black point to level 245 to see how much of your picture is actually black or white.

With monitors and viewing conditions being what they are, not to mention peoples eyesight and taste (or lack of it!) there will always be this debate. Peter's idea of printing on a black border should show that there is no black in the picture but some people just don't look.


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personaly I think thats better , with better transition from the reds to the dark with some of the reds showing in the dark areas.:)

I admit i am guilty of over stretching my images , desperatlet trying to get every last drop out of my images , perhapes this taints my view;) and taste :icon_scratch:


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