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Crescent Neb - Part 2


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Finally got some clear skies after taking delivery of the OAG (and having time to properly set it up)

Ah - the beauty of an observatory...

Switch on everything - 1 minute

4 star alignment - 5 minutes

Focus check - 2 minutes

Ready to go less than 10 minutes! :):icon_scratch::mad:

Anyway, this was the first opportunity to run the SX OAG and see how long I could push the exposure.... 30 minutes it seems!!

This is taken with my ED80 + SXVF-H9, guided with the lodestar on the OAG.

No calibrations, just aligned, DDP'd, levels and curves. I shall be taking the calibrations tonight and will get some proper processing time at it...

So 8 x 1800 seconds....


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Finally got some clear skies after taking delivery of the OAG (and having time to properly set it up)

Ah - the beauty of an observatory...

Switch on everything - 1 minute

4 star alignment - 5 minutes

Focus check - 2 minutes

Ready to go less than 10 minutes! :):icon_scratch::mad:

So 8 x 1800 seconds....

you can go off some people you know :)

Really great image, mate


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