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ED100/EQ6 heads up


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Its a long running joke,

A while back, Synta (Skywatcher) changed the livery of thier ED range of scopes to champagne/white.

There are three camps:

You love it!

You hate it!

You don't give a ........ monkeys :rolleyes:

<edit> Sorry Zeffer, you beat me to it.

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Was the only difference between the "Pro" versions and a older versions the colour scheme then ?. If so it's an interesting label to put on it - I doubt that "Pro" astronomers are the least bit interested what colour their equipment is !. In the software world the "Executive" version of software was usually a version with LESS features - so as not to confuse the poor executive souls...


North Somerset

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I must be a bit odd but I don't mind the blue. I've just got an Orion ED80 which is dark grey metallic - that looks quite smart as well.

Gordon - I'm afraid that the Tasco ST80 will be going to a new home shortly - but it's going to be riding on a 10 inch SCT which should be fun for it !!.


North Somerset

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I wouldn't worry John, I know a guy who sells them and tests the scopes before he sends them out. He reckons he couldn't detect any difference between the blue and the gold samples over the long run.

Absolutely right, Skywatcher have said they're the same optical quality.


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