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Startrail Photo Anomaly

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Dear All, Please help. I'm an amateur photgrapher and occasional stargazer. I took this photo of star trails (multiple images overlaid on top of each other) and found this "other" trail on it.

The photo was taken on the 6th March 2010 and this trail was on photos taken between 23:21-23:49. It is like a very short short living vapour trail becuase there is a slight overlap between the anomaly on each photo (photo is 30 seconds long with 10 seconds delay between each photo).

I've looked on the Heavens above Website to see if anything was in the sky at that time and found nothing. My position was 52.01320 - 1.09177 and the photo was takebn facing North (as if you needed telling that :))

I've attached the final image where the trial goes from right to left under the canopy of the tree and one of the single shots where you can see it just to the left of the tree.

Has anyone any ideas - please ?



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Gorgeous image, Sid. I really like the idea of having the trails broken up by tree branches. I'd like to find somewhere dark enough that pretty much the only light in the image is provided by the stars, so that the shape of a tree or other object is formed by the trails alone.

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Hi Sid,

First up, a very warm welcome to the forum. :)

Lovely image. I really like the tree outlined against the star trails!

And yes, I think it looks like a contrail too.

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Hello, chaps. Thank you very much for your compliments re. the photo - I'm waiting for the right conditions to do better.

However I'm not convinced on the plane contrail theory. My reasons are:-

1) The anomaly took 20 minutes to make this trail - seems to be moving quite slowly ?

2) For artisitic purposes ;-) I edited out other planes which covered about two shots and left a wonderful red and white dotted pattern of their flashing lights. This plane's lights were not visible.

3) If it were a contrail it was very consistent - forming and fading very consistently.

I'd be keen to hear if you think my reasons are valid.



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Welcome to SGL, and congratulations on a lovely circumpolar trail image.

The trail does cover more than half the length of the image, and seems to be dissipating from left to right to me, up to the point where the aircraft probably became obscured by the murk near the horizon. As with the others, I can't think of any other explanation for this.


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It is such a great image that you really dont pay attention to the pesky contrail.

You should be very proud of it.

Is the contrail a really a "problem"?. Maybe for purists.

I dont really think so and it is easily removed from the image.

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Hello, chaps. Thank you very much for your compliments re. the photo - I'm waiting for the right conditions to do better.

However I'm not convinced on the plane contrail theory. My reasons are:-

1) The anomaly took 20 minutes to make this trail - seems to be moving quite slowly ?

2) For artisitic purposes ;-) I edited out other planes which covered about two shots and left a wonderful red and white dotted pattern of their flashing lights. This plane's lights were not visible.

3) If it were a contrail it was very consistent - forming and fading very consistently.

I'd be keen to hear if you think my reasons are valid.



Seriously..............it IS very obviously a contrail.

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I agree that the contrail doesn't spoil the image, but having said that, if it were mine I'd take it out. It's a good shot and warrants that little extra tweaking.

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Thanks for all the responses chaps - a contrail it is. I will now be contacting the CAA and finding out which aricraft it was ruining my shot and make a complaint !

I jest !

Before I leave this thread, one thing that really left an impact on me with this photograph which I've never really appreciated when using my little 'scope was the colours of the stars. Coool !



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