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Not a clue!!

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Hello Folks,

Total newbie, so far I`ve managed to locate....the moon.

I have a 200P, but no idea at all how to use it. If I could see one other planet I`d be delighted.....

Im DLing Stelarium...maybe that will help.....

Also thinking I should cough up for a Pro SynScan to go with the heq5 I have.

Waiting to be impressed!!

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You need star maps. Stellarium should be good but I would find out what's up once the moon has gone, print off some paper charts and try to find just two or three objects on your first night. Computers outside do crop your night vision even with red sheilds etc. I'd start with Saturn in a week or so.


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If you can see to the northwest, lowish, after sunset - the very bright object is the planet Venus. (NEVER EVER LOOK AT THE SUN with the scope!! - unless you have the correct equipment ie the correct solar filters etc - sorry for the warning but once is too many times)

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You should be able to find Saturn, currently in the upper right sector of Virgo, despite the current brightness of the moon but wait until the full moon has passed and then try and locate some DSO's as mentioned above M13 is an easy and spectacular target to find in the constellation of Hercules.

I recommend you get a couple of books the first is 'Nightwatch' the second is 'Turn left ar Orion' and a Telrad or Rigel finder. Armed with these two books and a x1 finder you should be able to track down many night sky objects all at a much cheaper cost than a new mount.

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6 weeks ago I was in exactly the same situation as you, I`d seen the moon and that was about it.

With the help of the `experienced` members on here I`ve now seen the holy grail (Saturn) and as recently as last week I`ve taken pictures of it too.

Take a look at my post here -


Don`t give up, you will get there in the end, and when you do I`m sure you will be as amazed as I was.

Keep us updated with how you get on


Hello Folks,

Total newbie, so far I`ve managed to locate....the moon.

I have a 200P, but no idea at all how to use it. If I could see one other planet I`d be delighted.....

Im DLing Stelarium...maybe that will help.....

Also thinking I should cough up for a Pro SynScan to go with the heq5 I have.

Waiting to be impressed!!

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Since you have an EQ mount you could always try and find some DSOs using the setting circles on the mount. I know a lot of people on here don't tend to use the setting circles but as a newbie I have found it to be the easiest way to find DSOs. You can look up the coordinates of a galaxy such as M81 and use a nearby star in the plough as a reference.

I highly recommend Stellarium. I use Stellarium to see what is actually in the sky atm and get its coordinates to use with the EQ mount.

Of course if you are looking for the wow factor I agree Saturn is your man! Once you are looking in the general direction of Virgo you should see three stars forming a curve, Saturn is the bottom one.

Looks sth like this :)



* <-- this is Saturn!

Have fun and good luck!

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Wow....What can I say...thanks for the great welcome!


Deap space objects....cool!!!

Last night armed with the knowledge Venus should be somewhere that direction...out we went and ....bingo!!! there it was bright yellow blob on the horison just where it should be..

How the hell in my previous 39 years didnt I notice that? Doesnt look anything like a star.

So inside to get out the the finder scope thingamy excitement building....and DAMN clouds!!!

I was amazed to see jupiter just by eye...great stuff.

As with anything this game looks like you`ll get out what you put in....

So thanks again folks....I`ll get reading!!

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At this time of the month, there's little choice but to like the moon!

You have to work with what you have. Since i bought my Heritage 130P..........i have had so much fun and rewarding views of the moon. Views i never had with my "other scope".

The moon is just such a great target.

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the moon and saturn have been fantastic the last week or so... sadly mars is a big tiny at the moment, but i have the 200 p and saturn looks fantastic... you can see some moons and its rings VERY clearly although they are almost side on at the moment so look like a straight line lol

good luck :)

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Saturn is really at its best when its ring system is open. When they are edge on you get a chance to see its moons. Wait til you see Jupiter later this year with its belts (one has recently vanished) and the 4 main moons orbiting the planet. That wil knock your socks off.

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