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Copernicus & Tycho


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Yes - it was good to see the moon again, it has been very elusive - and so low at this time of year.

Conditions were far from ideal, it was blowing a gale, very early, low - boiling moon, but I couldn't resist it !

James, I don't mind anyone with more experience tweeking my images, you learn a lot that way.

I only used the Canon standard issue software for sharpening, levels etc. - no Photshop

The image is a heavy crop from a 'full disk' shot. I normally take the moon at 1/30 @ 200 ISO, but I had to use a faster speed because of the image boiling. I tried a barlowed shot, but in the conditions the digital zoom gave the best image.


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James, I don't mind anyone with more experience tweeking my images, you learn a lot that way.

I only used the Canon standard issue software for sharpening, levels etc. - no Photshop

The image is a heavy crop from a 'full disk' shot. I normally take the moon at 1/30 @ 200 ISO, but I had to use a faster speed because of the image boiling. I tried a barlowed shot, but in the conditions the digital zoom gave the best image.


All i did in PS was to used the despeckle filter this cleaned up the image gently enough not to remove any important information in your image also a little play with the Levels too. You did well using the Digital Zoom as a rule you don't use it as it show artifacts in images but if you had no choice then why not :laugh:.

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the digital zoom gave the best image.

Sorry - my rubbish explanation ! :insects1:

I meant that cropping (or digitally zooming) the saved image was better than using a barlow.

I appreciate the Canon doesn't provide a digital zoom like the compact digital cameras.


Last night I decided to post the image before I turned in for the night so I didn't spend too long on digital processing.

It looked OK to my tired eyes last night!. Thanks for your help - I'll give PS (Elements only) a go at despeckle next time.



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James, I don't mind anyone with more experience tweeking my images, you learn a lot that way.

I only used the Canon standard issue software for sharpening, levels etc. - no Photshop

The image is a heavy crop from a 'full disk' shot. I normally take the moon at 1/30 @ 200 ISO, but I had to use a faster speed because of the image boiling. I tried a barlowed shot, but in the conditions the digital zoom gave the best image.


All i did in PS was to used the despeckle filter this cleaned up the image gently enough not to remove any important information in your image also a little play with the Levels too. You did well using the Digital Zoom as a rule you don't use it as it show artifacts in images but if you had no choice then why not :laugh:.

One of the reasons I like to use film and have it put on disk by the processors is that the images are HUGE, and allow you to crop to an image that is still reasonable detailed that you can send on and use to bore your friends and relatives.

Still, I'm going to get a digital camera myself, for the convenience of not having to wait until I can get around to the processors.

I didn't know PS had a depicable filter. Corel Photohouse doesn't. :?

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One of the reasons I like to use film and have it put on disk by the processors is that the images are HUGE, and allow you to crop to an image that is still reasonable detailed that you can send on and use to bore your friends and relatives.

I don't know about film giving you HUGE images - here's my original digital image that the posted crop came from.

I think it's pretty detailed for a major crop. What do you think?



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Some info for those that don't know it about Copernicus crater.

Its A Young and isolated formation of hexagonal form. with Bright rays all around which extend a far as you will see theres Some very steep slopes dominant Mare Insularum of 900 m tormented and the supporting Fauth to the South and Gay-Lussac to the North.

The Floor is flatter to the North than to the South. Three central mountains are((1200 m).

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One of the reasons I like to use film and have it put on disk by the processors is that the images are HUGE, and allow you to crop to an image that is still reasonable detailed that you can send on and use to bore your friends and relatives.

I don't know about film giving you HUGE images - here's my original digital image that the posted crop came from.

I think it's pretty detailed for a major crop. What do you think?



It's very good! The local processors give me a digital image about 2600 by 3500 on the disk, though. I have to shrink the hell out of it to make it usable. I like your image very much as a matter of fact.

When I look at Copernicus, it always seems to have four central peaks, for some reason. I haven't had a chance to get out to look at the Moon this month.

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