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Strange object below M81 and M82


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I have just had a go with readjusting the data I have for the M81 and M82. And I have noticed a strange object on the bottom right hand of the image. I have had a look in my book's and I cant see any reference to any object at that point. Does anybody know what it is? I have inserted a line in one of the pictures pointing at the object.

Thank you.



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great photo. as you look around this excellent image there seem to be at least a couple of others too. top right hand corner and one that's a bit like a comet right above M82 near the top of the image. no idea what they are but I bet they'd be tricky visually!

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Yep, I have imaged that Galaxy by mistake as well..trying to find M81 and M82 before I got pinpoint working...cor that was a pain when you knew you were close to the target but couldn´t quite find it.

Lovely image by the way.

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Thank you all for the positive comments. The equipment used were:

1. EQ6 pro mount

2. SW 80DS Pro main scope

3. ST80 guide scope

4. QHY5 guide cam

5. PHD for guiding

6. Std Oly E510 camera for imaging.

8 Min exposures, staked in DSS and tweaked in PS.

Thank you.

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